शब्द अनंत शक्तिमान होते है यदि शब्द कूटनीति के है, साम दाम दण्ड भेद से प्रेरित है तो इतिहास गवाह है उसने तीर तलवारो की झंकार से लेकर परमाणु बमो की टंकार सुनी है मनुष्य तथा मनुष्यता का खून बहते देखा है अहंकार से उत्पन्न साम दाम दण्ड भेद की कूटनीति मानवता के लिए दींमक का कार्य करती है यह जिस मानव धर्म तथा प्रकृति के वृक्ष पर बैठती है उसे ही खाती रहती है अज्ञानियो तथा दुर्बुद्धियो के शब्द मानव समाज तथा पर्यावरण में अनेक दरारे डालते हुए पतन के अनन्त मार्ग खोल देते हैशब्द से गाली भी बनती है शब्द से प्यार भी छ्लकता है शब्द से संवाद भी होता है विवाद भी। शब्दो से किसी का अनादर करने,किसी को पराजित करने ,स्वयं के संचित ज्ञान की श्रेष्ठता अन्य पर साबित करने,अपनी जाति,प्रजाति,धर्म्,संस्कृति,देश की श्रेष्ठता अन्य पर साबित करने के प्रयास शब्दो को राक्षस बना देते है और मानव समाज तथा पर्यावरण में छुपी अनन्त ऊर्जा को नष्ट करते हुए उसके सदुपयोग की संभावनाओ को क्षीणतम कर देते है।यदि शब्द परम ज्ञानियो के है तो वे मानव समाज तथा पर्यावरण को झंकृत करते है जीव तथा प्रकृति वहां नृत्य मुद्रा में ,आनंद मुद्रा में ,कर्मशील हो उठते है। जब लगन्[भक्ति] तथा समझ्[ज्ञान] के साथ सत्य की खोज के लिए संवाद होता है तो सत्य के अनेको अबूझे रहस्य प्रकट होने लगते है मानवता की पीडा दूर करने का भाव जब शब्दो की आत्मा बन जाते है तो वे ब्रह्म स्वरूप हो जाते है तथा ईसा, बुद्ध्,महावीर्,नानक कबीर, गांधी जैसे कर्मयोगियो के उद्वविकास का मार्ग प्रशस्त करते है।ब्रह्म स्वरूप हुए शब्द मानव समाज तथा पर्यावरण में अंतर्निहित अनंत ऊर्जा को सर्वार्थ के लिए उपयोग करने के अनन्त मार्ग खोल देते है
अत: साधको शब्दों को ब्रह्म बनाओ शब्दों को राक्षस न बनने देने के अहिंसक उपायों को खोजो।
Saturday, December 26, 2009
सत्य सदा मध्य मे है एक मिथक है पाखंड है
सत्य मध्य मे है यह बहुत बडा झूठ है जो प्रायः बोला जाता है सत्य तो अनन्त है सर्वत्र व्याप्त है अनन्त जिज्ञासा के साथ सदैव पृश्नकर्ता बने रह कर उसका बोध किया जा सकता है। सत्य बोध से झूठ ,अज्ञान, का उच्छेदन किया जा सकता है सत्यबोध से, सत्य की खोज तथा परमात्मा की खोज की प्रक्रिया में उपजने वाले पाखन्ड का भी पर्दाफाश किया जा सकता है। सत्य को मध्य में ढूढ्ना दो अतिवादी पक्षो के मध्य दलाली है जो दो पक्षो के मध्य संवाद कायम करा स्वहित साधती है दो अतिवादी अंधे पक्षो के मध्य काना सम्वाद कराता है विश्व राजनीति में अमेरिका काने की भूमिका बखूबी निभा रहा है। राजनीति,धर्म तथा अर्थ के क्षेत्र एसे दलालो से भरे हुए है। सत्य को मध्य में ढूढ्ने की कवायद एसे सम्वाद को जन्म देती है जो पुनः वाद बनने के लिये अभिशप्त होता है अतः मनुष्य तथा समाज में कोई गुणात्मक परिवर्तन नही आता अपितु तथ्यात्मक परिवर्तन आता है अज्ञान के कारण मनुष्य तथा समाज उसे ही पर्याप्त समझ लेते है और अंतत: इतिहास अपने को दोहराकर सत्य को मध्य में खोजने की कवायद को निरर्थक सिद्ध कर देता है ।
Saturday, December 19, 2009
ज्ञान और परिणाम
विवेकानन्द जैसे महान विद्वान ने ज्ञान को जनसाधारण के लिये उपयोगी तथा मानवता की मुक्ति के लिए व्यावहारिक बनाने के लिए अपना सम्पूर्ण जीवन लगा दिया सच्चे ज्ञानी स्वतःस्फूर्त रुप से ज्ञान का स्वार्थ के लिए नही अपितु सर्वार्थ के लिए व्यावहारिक उपयोग करते ही है और जो व्यावहारिक नही होता उसे त्याग देते हैझूठे ज्ञानी ,सच्चे ज्ञान का मुखौटा लगाकर, उसकी खाल ओढ कर, अपने तथा अपने अनुनाइयो की स्वार्थ साधना मे लगे रहते है उन्हे मानवता की समस्याओ के व्यावहारिक समाधान खोजने में उबकाइयां आती है झूठे ध्यान, झूठी समाधि, झूठे परमानन्द में लीन होने की झूठी दिव्य अनुभूतियो के साथ सच्ची स्वार्थ साधना में लीन रहते है सच्चे ज्ञानियो के कार्य मानवता की मुक्ति से अभिप्रेत होते है तथा वैसे ही परिणाम भी देते है । झूठे ज्ञानियो के कार्य मानवता की मुक्ति की बात भर करते है परिणाम उल्टा होता है मानवता की समस्याओ मे उत्तरोत्तर वृद्धि होती जाती है और उनके तथा उनके अनुनाइयो का धनबल सत्ताबल तथा झूठा धर्मबल[पंथबल] बढता जाता है धर्म, अर्थ तथा राजनीति पर एसे ही झूठे ज्ञानियो का वर्चस्व है मनुष्य,समाज तथा पर्यावरण का निरंतर बढता नकारात्मक व्यवहार इस बात का स्वत:सिद्ध प्रमाण है ।
अगस्त 10th, 2009 मनोज भारती
महर्षि रमण से किसी ने पूछा कि सत्य को जानने के लिए मैं क्या सीखूं ? श्री रमण ने कहा जो जानते हो उसे भूल जाओ । यह उत्तर बहुत अर्थपूर्ण है । मनुष्य का मन बाहर से संस्कार और शिक्षाएं लेकर एक कारागृह बन जाता है। बाह्य प्रभावों की धूल में दबकर उसकी स्वयं की दर्पण जैसी निर्मलता ढक जाती है । जैसे किसी झील पर कोई आवृत्त हो जाए और सूर्य या चंद्रमा का प्रतिबिम्ब उसमें न बन सके । ऐसे ही मन भी बाहर के सीखे गए ज्ञान से इतना आवृत्त हो जाता है कि सत्य का प्रतिफलन उसमें नहीं हो पाता । ऐसे मन के द्वार और झरोखे बंद हो जाते हैं । वह अपनी ही क्षुद्रता में सीमित हो जाता है , और विराट के संपर्क से वंचित । इस भांति बंद मन ही बंधन है । सत्य के सागर में जिन्हें संचरण करना है, उन्हें मन को सीखे हुए किसी भी खूंटे से बांधने का कोई उपाय नहीं है । तट से बंधे होना और साथ ही सागर में प्रवेश कैसे संभव है ?
एक पुरानी कथा है - एक संन्यासी सूर्य निकलने के पूर्व ही नदी में स्नान करने उतरा, अभी अंधियारा था और भोर के अंतिम तारे डूबते थे । एक व्यक्ति नाव पर बैठकर पतवार चलाता था, किंतु नाव आगे नहीं बढ़ती थी । अंधरे के कारण उसे वह सांकल नहीं दिखती थी, जिससे नाव बंधी हुई थी । उसने चिल्ला कर संन्यासी से पूछा कि स्वामी जी इस नाव को क्या हो गया है। उस संन्यासी ने कहा, मित्र पहले खूंटे से बंधी उसकी सांकल को तो खोलो । मनुष्य जो भी बाहर से सीख लेता है, वह सीखा हुआ ज्ञान ही खूंटों की भांति उसके चित्त की नाव को अपने से बांध लेता है और आत्मा के सागर में उसका प्रवेश संभव नहीं हो पाता । जिसे परमात्मा के ज्ञान को पाना हो उसे बाहर से सीखे गए अपने ज्ञान को छोड़ देना होगा । इस अवस्था को दिव्य अज्ञान कह सकते हैं । इसे साध लेने से बड़ी और कोई साधना नहीं है ।
कुछ भी जानने का भाव अहंकार को पुष्ट करता है । इसीलिए उपनिषद् के ऋषियों ने कहा है कि जो कहे कि मैं जानता हूँ, तो जानना कि, वह नहीं जानता । जो जानते हैं, उनका तो मैं खो जाता है । बाहर से आया हुआ ज्ञान मैं को भरता है; भीतर से जगा हुआ ज्ञान उसे बहा ले जाता है । ज्ञान को पाने की विधि है कि सब ज्ञान को छोड़ दो । मैं को शून्य होने दो और चित्त को मौन । उस मौन और शून्यता में ही उसके दर्शन होते हैं जो कि सत्य है ।ज्ञान नहीं विचार सीखे जा सकते हैं । विचारों के संग्रह से ही ज्ञान का भ्रम पैदा हो जाता है । विचार कम हो सकते हैं; विचार ज्यादा भी हो सकते हैं । ज्ञान न तो कम होता है और न ज्यादा होता है । या तो ज्ञान होता है या अज्ञान होता है । यह भी स्मरण रहे कि विचार अज्ञान का अंग है । केवल अज्ञानी ही विचार करता है । ज्ञानी विचारता नहीं देखता है । जिसके आंख है, उसे दिखाई पड़ता है । वह सोचता नहीं कि द्वार कहां है, वह तो द्वार को देखता है। जिसके पास आंख नहीं, वह सोचता है और टटोलता है, विचार टटोलना मात्र है । वह आंख का नहीं अंधे होने का प्रमाण है । बुद्ध, महावीर या ईसा विचारक नहीं हैं । हमने सदा ही उन्हें द्रष्टा कहा है । वे जो भी जानते हैं, वह उनके चिंतन का परिणाम नहीं, उनके दर्शन की प्रतीति है । वे जो भी करते हैं, वह भी विचार का फल नहीं है । उनकी अंतर्दृष्टि की सहज निष्पत्ति है । इस सत्य को समझना बहुत आवश्यक है ।
विचारों का संग्रह कहीं भी नहीं ले जाता । सभी प्रकार के संग्रह दरिद्रता को मिटाते नहीं, दबाते हैं । इसी लिए जो सर्वाधिक दरिद्र होते हैं, संग्रह की इच्छा भी उनकी सर्वाधिक होती है । डायोजनीज ने सिकंदर को कहा था, मैं इतना समृद्ध हूँ कि मैं कुछ भी संग्रह नहीं करता । और तेरी दरिद्रता का अंत नहीं, क्योंकि इस पूरी पृथ्वी के साम्राज्य को पा लेने पर भी तुम संग्रह करोगे । इसी लिए जब सम्राटों को संग्रह में छिपी दरिद्रता के दर्शन हुए हैं, तो उन्होंने दरिद्रता में छिपे साम्राज्य को स्वीकार कर लिया । क्या मनुष्य का इतिहास ऐसे भिखारियों से परिचित नहीं, जिनसे सम्राट बड़े कभी नहीं होते । जो धन संग्रह के संबंध में सत्य है, वह सभी प्रकार के संग्रहों के लिए भी सत्य है । विचार संग्रह भी उसका अपवाद नहीं । बाह्य संपत्ति के संग्रह से जो धनी है; वह यदि दरिद्र है, तो शास्त्रों के शब्दों से जो ज्ञानी है, वह भी अज्ञानी ही है ।शास्त्र से नहीं, जब स्वयं से और जब शब्द से नहीं बल्कि अंतस से आलोक मिलता है, तभी ज्ञान का आविर्भाव होता है ।
ज्ञान का जन्म ध्यान से होता है । ध्यान का अर्थ है : विचार छोड़कर चेतना में प्रतिष्ठित हो जाना । विचारों के प्रवाह का नाम मन है । जो इन विचारों के प्रवाह को देखता है, उसका नाम चेतना है । विचार विषय है और चेतना विषयी । विचार दृश्य है, चेतना द्रष्टा । विचार जाने जाते हैं, चेतना जानती है । विचार बाहर से आते हैं, चेतना भीतर है । विचार पर है, चेतना स्व है । विचारों को छोड़ना है और चेतना में ठहरना है । सब धर्मों की साधना का सार यही है ।
विचार प्रवाह के सम्यक् निरीक्षण से तथा तटस्थ साक्षी भाव से मात्र उन्हें देखने से वे धीरे-धीरे क्षीण हो जाते हैं । जैसे कोई बिल्ली चूहे को पकड़ती हो तो पकड़ने के पूर्व उसकी तैयारी पर ध्यान दें । कितनी सजग और कितनी शांत, कितनी शिथिल और तैयार ! ऐसे ही स्वयं के भीतर विचार को पकड़ने के लिए होना पड़ता है । जैसे ही कोई विचार उठे, बिल्ली की भांति झपटें और उसे पकड़ लें । उसे उलटें-पलटें और उसका निरीक्षण करें । किंतु उसे सोचे नहीं, मात्र देंखें । और तब पाया जाता है कि वह देखते ही देखते वाष्पीभूत हो गया है। हाथ खाली और विचार विलीन हो जाता है । फिर शांत और सजग रहें । दूसरा विचार आएगा, उसके साथ भी यही करना । तीसरा आएगा, उसके साथ भी यही । इस प्रकार ध्यान का अभ्यास करना । जैसे-जैसे अभ्यास गहरा होता है, वैसे-वैसे बिल्ली बैठी रह जाती है और चूहे विलीन हो जाते हैं । चूहे जैसे बिल्ली से डरते हैं, विचार वैसे ही ध्यान से डरते हैं । बिल्ली जैसे चूहों की मृत्यु है, ध्यान वैसे ही विचारों की मृत्यु है ।
विचार की मृत्यु पर सत्य का दर्शन होता है । तब मात्र वही शेष रह जाता है- जो है । वह सत्य है । वही परमात्मा है । उसे जानने में ही मुक्ति है और दुख व अंधकार का अतिक्रमण है ।
(यह लेख ओशो देशना पर आधारित है।)
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे Tags: संस्कृति, धर्म, लेख
स्वयं की मुक्ति की तृष्णा या भौतिक सुखो की प्राप्ति की तृष्णा
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 21 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:02 ) ।
अध्यात्म के मार्ग पर चलकर स्वहित की पूर्ति या भौतिक मार्ग पर चलकर स्वहित की पूर्ति या फिर भौतिकता तथा आध्यात्मिकता के मध्य सन्तुलन बनाते हुए स्वहितो की पूर्ति करने वाले लोग एक ही थैली के सिक्के है ये सभी सिक्के चमकदार है सदियो से बुद्धिमान अनुनाई इनका स्वहित में उपयोग करते आए है स्वयं की मुक्ति के आनन्द तथा भौतिक सुखो के आनन्द में डूबे रहे हैसमाज की मुक्ति, मानवता की मुक्ति, गरीबी से मुक्ति, भ्रष्टाचार से मुक्ति, अनुनाईयो को निहित स्वार्थो से मुक्ति दिलाने के प्रश्नो के उत्तर खोजने के नाम पर इन सभी मार्गो पर चलने वाले लोग या तो वैचारिक मृत्यु का वरण कर लेते है या मौन हो जाते है इन निरर्थक प्रश्नो पर ध्यान देकर अपने निहित स्वार्थो की पूर्ति में लगी ऊर्जा को कम नही करना चाहते या दुनियां ऐसे ही चलती है इस दर्शन में अटूट आस्था रखते है निहित स्वार्थो, महत्वकांक्षाओ से भरे एसे लोग सदैव मानवता पर बोझ रहे हैबुद्ध, ईसा, अशोक्,मार्क्स्,गांधी जैसे लोगो ने मनुष्य तथा समाज के लिए प्रखर चिन्तन मनन करते हुए नूतन संस्कृति निर्माण की कई सम्भावनाए दिखाई पर ईसा को सूली से गांधी को गोली तक समाज में विध्यमान कचरा प्रवृत्तियां नही बदलीमनुष्य की मुक्ति की बात बहुत कर ली अब मानवता की मुक्ति की बात करो साधको
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 21 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:18 ) ।
जो स्वयं में स्थित है,स्थितप्रज्ञवह न स्वयं की मुक्ति की कामना करताऔरन ही भौतिक सुखों की प्राप्ति की इच्छा रखतावह तोजीवन को आनंद से जीता हैऔर जोआनंद में है वह मुक्त है ।
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
निष्क्रिय स्थितप्रज्ञ या कृष्ण सदृश सक्रिय स्थितप्रज्ञ
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 08:29 ) ।
किसी विचार, किसी भाव ,धारणा या प्राप्त ज्ञान का संरक्षण या पुनराव्रत्ति अपने पूर्ववर्तियो के द्वारा की गई गलतियो का दोहराव मात्र है सत्य अनंत है इसकी निरन्तर साधना की प्रक्रिया से मिलने वाला आनंद भी अनंत है सत्य की झलक मिलते ही आप अभय की ओर गमन करने लगते है तृष्णाओ से मुक्त होने लगते है और अनंत प्रज्ञा आपके अंदर आलोकित होने लगती है जो आपको स्वतःस्फूर्त अनंत सक्रियता के साथ जीवन का सर्वांगीण आनंद उठाने के लिए ऊर्जावान बनाए रखती है
सदियो से यह विश्व दोहराव या अच्छी पुनराव्रत्ति करने वाले लोगो से प्रेरित होता रहा है इसी कारण इतिहास अपने को दोहराता हैजिसे सत्य की झलक मात्र मिल जाती है वह धर्म और न्याय की स्थापना के लिए अर्जुन की तरह सक्रिय हो जाता है सत्य की खोज वैचारिक म्रत्यु नही अपितु धर्म की स्थापना हेतु अनंत प्रज्ञा को जाग्रत करती है
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 09:36 ) ।
स्थितप्रज्ञ के साथ कृपया कोई विशेषण न लगाएँ ।अनुभूति ...
वैचारिक मृत्यु या जाग्रत अनन्त प्रज्ञा
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 17:14 ) ।
अनुभूति जो वैचारिक मृत्यु या विचारशून्यता लाकर मृत्यु सिखाए या फिर जो इससे ऊपर उठते हुए अधिकांश साधको के अंदर सुप्तावस्था में बैठी अनन्त प्रज्ञा को जाग्रत कर धर्म की स्थापना के लिये साधको को सक्रिय करे
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 18:53 ) ।
साक्षी भाव का दूसरा नाम विचार शून्यता है ।विचार शून्यता का मतलब जड़ता या मृत्यु नहीं है ।जब चेतना प्रज्ञा में स्थित होती है, तो वह निश्चल होती है ।और एक शौरगुल भरे मन से अधिक सजग होती है ।वहां जो भी ग्राह्य होता है वही अमृत है।वही धर्म है
मात्र धर्म की साधना या धर्म की स्थापना भी
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 19:29 ) ।
धर्म मात्र स्वार्थ के लिए या सर्वार्थ के लिए dharm का अर्थ जानना मात्र ही धर्म या उसका अर्थ बोध करते हुए उसकी स्थापना के लिए कर्मक्षेत्र में उतरना भी
स्व और पर का भेद नहीं असीम अनंत सत्ता का बोध
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 20:59 ) ।
साक्षी में, स्थितप्रज्ञता में स्व और पर का भेद नहीं रहता ।वहां अनंत सत्ता है । वहां सब संबंधित हैं । वहां असीम विस्तार है ।धर्म खाली शब्द नहीं जिसका कि किन्हीं दूसरे शब्दों में अर्थ बतलाया जा रहा है । जब आप उस अमृत दशा में होते हैं तो बोध ही होता, न कि मात्र शब्दों का खेल और आप इस अवस्था में जो भी कर्म करते हैं वह मानव कल्याण के लिए ही होता है ।
अमृत दशा में पहुंचा व्यक्ति कर्मयोगी हो जाता है
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:14 ) ।
बुद्ध्,महावीर्,ईसा,कबीर, नानक, मार्क्स्,आइंसटाइन्,गांधी जैसे महापुरुष कर्मयोगी थे समाज से जो भी लिया उसे परिष्क्रत कर समाज को जीवनपर्यंत वापस करते रहेस्थितप्रज्ञता और धर्म कोई स्थिर भाव या बोध नही,अपितु स्वतःस्फूर्त विकासमान बोध है जो दृश्य और अदृश्य या इससे भी परे जगत में व्याप्त अनंत सत्य की अनवरत खोज में सहायक है स्थितप्रज्ञता प्रज्ञा को अनंत ऊर्जा से भर चेतना को अनंत सक्रिय बना देती है और इस अवस्था मै पहुंचे व्यक्ति अनंत सत्य के अनेको रहस्यो को मनुष्य समाज पर्यावरण के हित में अनावरित करते है
कर्म साधन है और धर्म साध्य
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:58 ) ।
कर्मयोगी का अर्थ है : जो कर्म के द्वारा उस दशा (स्थितप्रज्ञता, धर्म में प्रतिष्ठा) को प्राप्त करता है । इस दशा को अन्य मार्गों से भी पाया जा सकता है । कर्म साधन है और धर्म, स्थितप्रज्ञता साध्य । ऐसा नहीं है कि जो व्यक्ति स्थितप्रज्ञ है, वह अकर्मण्य हो जाता है । बल्कि उसके कर्मों में तो एक असाधारणता होती है ।
हमें ऐसे स्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्ति के कर्मों की असाधारणता दिखाई पड़ती है । लेकिन उन कर्मों के पीछे कितनी साधना और सजगता का जीवन है, यह हम नहीं देखते । यहीं से समझ का अभाव दिखाई पड़ता है । हम परिणाम (फल) को देखते हैं, लेकिन उसके पीछे की साधना (जड़) को अनदेखा कर देते हैं ।
स्थित्प्रज्ञता दिव्य चक्षु है
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 23 अगस्त, 2009 - 07:03 ) ।
तोता राम राम कहने से राम की महिमा नही जान जाता ठीक इसी प्रकार मात्र अनुभूति करके कोई स्थित प्रज्ञ नही हो जाता, स्थितप्रज्ञता की अनुभूति उस परम सत्य की अनंतता का ज्ञान प्राप्त करने का दिव्य चक्षु है जो धारणाओ के पिंजडे में बन्द तोता वाणी नही अपितु धर्म राजनीति मनुष्य समाज संस्कृति सभ्यता अर्थनीति आदि अनेको क्षेत्रो को भी आपके लिए पारदर्शी बना देने वाली अनुभूति हैइस अनुभूति रुपी दिव्य चक्षु के उत्पन्न होते ही चहुंओर व्याप्त पाखंड धूर्तताए,स्वार्थ वे सभी कितने ही मुखौटे क्यों न लगा ले, आपके अंतर्जगत ,बाह्य जगत कही भी अपने को छुपाने की सामर्थ्य खो बैठती है यह दिव्य चक्षु समग्र के जिस भाग पर भी दृष्टि डालता है वह भाग उसके सामने निर्वसन होने लगता है उसके समस्त मुखौटे उतर जाते है और वह भाग अपने सच्चे रुप में प्रकट हो जाता हैस्थितप्रज्ञता को प्राप्त व्यक्ति के अंदर मनुष्य तथा समाज के अंदर विध्यमान अंधविश्वाशो पाखंडो धूर्तताओ निहित स्वार्थो का उपचार करते हुए स्वतःस्फूर्त रूप से मनुष्य तथा समाज को धर्म की,न्याय की, स्थापना की ओर ले जाने की अपार सामर्थ्य होती है और वह इस अपार सामर्थ्य का स्वार्थ में नही सर्वार्थ के उपयोग के लिए कर्मक्षेत्र में उतरता ही है
स्थितप्रज्ञता और कर्मफल
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 24 अगस्त, 2009 - 19:10 ) ।
कोई भी अनुभूति स्थितप्रज्ञ नहीं होती । लेकिन स्थितप्रज्ञ पुरुष को जो अनुभुति होती है, वह स्वच्छ अंत:करण से होती है और ऐसी दृष्टि में निश्चित ही चीजों को उनके अंतरतम से भेद देने की शक्ति होती है और ऐसी दृष्टि हर चीज को निश्चित ही उघाड़ कर उसे उसके वास्तविक रूप में प्रस्तुत कर देती है ।प्रिय मित्र !!! आपका जोर कर्म पर है, मैं आपके भाव को समझ रहा हूँ । पर मैंने यह भी कहा कि एकमात्र कर्म ही धर्म प्रतिष्ठा, स्थितप्रज्ञता का मार्ग नहीं है, इसके अतिरिक्त भक्ति और ज्ञान के मार्ग भी हैं । लेकिन किसी भी पुरुष के लिए कर्म निश्चित रूप से जरूरी होता है । कोई भी व्यक्ति कर्म से बच नहीं सकता । सांस लेना, चलना,उठना, बैठना, पढ़ना, जैसे सामान्य कार्य ऐच्छिक या अनैच्छिक सभी कर्म हैं । कर्म का क्षेत्र विस्तृत है । किसी भी मार्ग से स्थितप्रज्ञ हुए व्यक्ति के लिए भी कर्म अनिवार्य हैं, लेकिन उसके कर्म कर्मफल से बंधे नहीं होते, क्योंकि जिस दशा में वे कर्म किए गए होते हैं, वहां किसी प्रकार का द्वैत नहीं होता । निश्चित ही कर्मों से नहीं छूटा जा सकता ।
स्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्ति सत्य जगत में रह्ता है
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 25 अगस्त, 2009 - 12:01 ) ।
स्थितप्रज्ञ हुए व्यक्ति के लिए ज्ञान भक्ति तथा कर्म के विभाजन समाप्त हो जाते है वस्तुतः ये विभाजन अज्ञान जगत में ही अनुभव अनुभव होते है अज्ञान जगत में ज्ञान ,भक्ति, तथा कर्म अनिवार्य समझे जाते है परन्तु स्थित्प्रज्ञ हुए व्यक्ति के सत्य जगत में ज्ञान, भक्ति तथा कर्म ,एक हो जाते है समग्र हो जाते है स्वतःस्फूर्त समग्र हो जाते है ज्ञान भक्ति तथा कर्म का संलयन अनंत उर्जा का भन्डार होता है जो शाश्वत ,निरंतर सक्रियता स्वतः स्फूर्त रुप से उत्पन्न करता रहता है अज्ञान जगत में ज्ञान ,भक्ति, तथा कर्म अलग -अलग विकसित किए जाते है परन्तु सत्य जगत मै यह विभाजन समाप्त हो जाते है और ये एक समग्र के रुप में अविरल रुप से विकसित होने वाली अनन्त प्रक्रिया में बदल जाते हैज्ञान तथा भक्ति इस समग्र के अदृश्य तत्व है परन्तु कर्म दृश्य तत्व है ज्ञान तथा भक्ति का उच्च स्तर स्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्ति के कर्म से ही प्रकट होता है स्थित्प्रज्ञ व्यक्ति के ज्ञान तथा भक्ति का यह उच्च स्तर एसे कर्मो से दृश्यमान होता है जो समस्त अज्ञान ,पाखन्ड,धूर्तताओ,निहित स्वार्थो से ग्रसित सत्ताखोरो, मुनाफाखोरो, धर्मखोरो,अनुभूतिखोरो को अपने दिव्य चक्षुओ से निर्वसन कर उन्हे अहंकार भय तथा तृष्णाओ से मुक्त कर मानवता की गरिमा की स्थापना के मार्ग पर लाने की अपार सामर्थ्य रखता हैस्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्तिके लिए ज्ञान भक्ति तथा कर्म में कोई द्वैत नही होता स्थित्प्रज्ञ व्यक्ति सत्य जगत में रहता है अज्ञान से भरे विश्व मे यदि वह उपस्थित हो तो वह अज्ञान, भय ,तृष्णा,अहंकार, निहित स्वार्थो को साफ करने लगता है जब तक कि अज्ञान तथा निहित स्वार्थो के सफाए के उपरान्त सत्य जगत की स्थापना नही हो जाती वह अज्ञान जगत से भाग कर स्वयं को किन्ही अन्य अनुभूतियो में स्थिर नही करता किसी अन्य खन्ड में छुपकर कर्मफलो से मुक्ति की तृष्णा नही पालता
शुभ है
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 26 अगस्त, 2009 - 21:42 ) ।
आप स्थितप्रज्ञ हैं, तो शुभ है । अपने ज्ञान जगत और कर्मों से धर्म की स्थापना कर संसार को सुंदर बनाने में सहयोग करें ।
धर्म और प्रेम अनन्त = योग
प्रेषक तरुनि करिया ( 27 अगस्त, 2009 - 08:05 ) ।
मानव धर्म और मानव प्रेम सर्वोपरि है .इनका योग हो जाये तो कितना अच्छा हो !क्योंकि जुडना और जोडना ही जरूरी है .यह "योग" परम तत्व से हो या "मानव" से ,यानि आत्मा से हो या परमात्मा से , बात एक ही है , यदि इसे ठीक से समझ सकें तो .शायद कुछ इस तरह ....
मैं योग की कर कामनाकरती वियोगिनि साधना ॥
पथ प्रेम का है तब सुगमरागादि से जब मुक्ति होजब पथिक दो, पथ एक होनिष्काम हो आराधना ॥
मै योग की कर कामनाकरती वियोगिनि सधना ॥
हिम गल रहा, रवि जल रहाशशि नित्य रूप बदल रहापर इस अलॉकिक प्रेम काप्रतिकार पाना है मना ॥
मै योग की कर कामनाकरती वियोगिनि साधना ॥
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 27 अगस्त, 2009 - 19:56 ) ।
योग की परिभाषा पसंद आई ।
आपकी साधना पूरी हैतो वियोग अधिक समय नहींरह सकता,क्योंकि यदि आप उसकी ओरएक कदम बढ़ाती हैं, तो वह हजार कदमआपकी और बढ़ा देता है ।
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
आत्मवत सर्वभूतेषू
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 27 अगस्त, 2009 - 21:58 ) ।
चेतनाओ के मध्य जब द्वैत समाप्त हो अद्वैत की स्थापना होती है तो अनन्त सत्य के नये, अबूझे, अज्ञात, रहस्य तथा उनमे छुपी अनन्तसम्पदाए प्रकट होने लगती है।
महर्षि रमण से किसी ने पूछा कि सत्य को जानने के लिए मैं क्या सीखूं ? श्री रमण ने कहा जो जानते हो उसे भूल जाओ । यह उत्तर बहुत अर्थपूर्ण है । मनुष्य का मन बाहर से संस्कार और शिक्षाएं लेकर एक कारागृह बन जाता है। बाह्य प्रभावों की धूल में दबकर उसकी स्वयं की दर्पण जैसी निर्मलता ढक जाती है । जैसे किसी झील पर कोई आवृत्त हो जाए और सूर्य या चंद्रमा का प्रतिबिम्ब उसमें न बन सके । ऐसे ही मन भी बाहर के सीखे गए ज्ञान से इतना आवृत्त हो जाता है कि सत्य का प्रतिफलन उसमें नहीं हो पाता । ऐसे मन के द्वार और झरोखे बंद हो जाते हैं । वह अपनी ही क्षुद्रता में सीमित हो जाता है , और विराट के संपर्क से वंचित । इस भांति बंद मन ही बंधन है । सत्य के सागर में जिन्हें संचरण करना है, उन्हें मन को सीखे हुए किसी भी खूंटे से बांधने का कोई उपाय नहीं है । तट से बंधे होना और साथ ही सागर में प्रवेश कैसे संभव है ?
एक पुरानी कथा है - एक संन्यासी सूर्य निकलने के पूर्व ही नदी में स्नान करने उतरा, अभी अंधियारा था और भोर के अंतिम तारे डूबते थे । एक व्यक्ति नाव पर बैठकर पतवार चलाता था, किंतु नाव आगे नहीं बढ़ती थी । अंधरे के कारण उसे वह सांकल नहीं दिखती थी, जिससे नाव बंधी हुई थी । उसने चिल्ला कर संन्यासी से पूछा कि स्वामी जी इस नाव को क्या हो गया है। उस संन्यासी ने कहा, मित्र पहले खूंटे से बंधी उसकी सांकल को तो खोलो । मनुष्य जो भी बाहर से सीख लेता है, वह सीखा हुआ ज्ञान ही खूंटों की भांति उसके चित्त की नाव को अपने से बांध लेता है और आत्मा के सागर में उसका प्रवेश संभव नहीं हो पाता । जिसे परमात्मा के ज्ञान को पाना हो उसे बाहर से सीखे गए अपने ज्ञान को छोड़ देना होगा । इस अवस्था को दिव्य अज्ञान कह सकते हैं । इसे साध लेने से बड़ी और कोई साधना नहीं है ।
कुछ भी जानने का भाव अहंकार को पुष्ट करता है । इसीलिए उपनिषद् के ऋषियों ने कहा है कि जो कहे कि मैं जानता हूँ, तो जानना कि, वह नहीं जानता । जो जानते हैं, उनका तो मैं खो जाता है । बाहर से आया हुआ ज्ञान मैं को भरता है; भीतर से जगा हुआ ज्ञान उसे बहा ले जाता है । ज्ञान को पाने की विधि है कि सब ज्ञान को छोड़ दो । मैं को शून्य होने दो और चित्त को मौन । उस मौन और शून्यता में ही उसके दर्शन होते हैं जो कि सत्य है ।ज्ञान नहीं विचार सीखे जा सकते हैं । विचारों के संग्रह से ही ज्ञान का भ्रम पैदा हो जाता है । विचार कम हो सकते हैं; विचार ज्यादा भी हो सकते हैं । ज्ञान न तो कम होता है और न ज्यादा होता है । या तो ज्ञान होता है या अज्ञान होता है । यह भी स्मरण रहे कि विचार अज्ञान का अंग है । केवल अज्ञानी ही विचार करता है । ज्ञानी विचारता नहीं देखता है । जिसके आंख है, उसे दिखाई पड़ता है । वह सोचता नहीं कि द्वार कहां है, वह तो द्वार को देखता है। जिसके पास आंख नहीं, वह सोचता है और टटोलता है, विचार टटोलना मात्र है । वह आंख का नहीं अंधे होने का प्रमाण है । बुद्ध, महावीर या ईसा विचारक नहीं हैं । हमने सदा ही उन्हें द्रष्टा कहा है । वे जो भी जानते हैं, वह उनके चिंतन का परिणाम नहीं, उनके दर्शन की प्रतीति है । वे जो भी करते हैं, वह भी विचार का फल नहीं है । उनकी अंतर्दृष्टि की सहज निष्पत्ति है । इस सत्य को समझना बहुत आवश्यक है ।
विचारों का संग्रह कहीं भी नहीं ले जाता । सभी प्रकार के संग्रह दरिद्रता को मिटाते नहीं, दबाते हैं । इसी लिए जो सर्वाधिक दरिद्र होते हैं, संग्रह की इच्छा भी उनकी सर्वाधिक होती है । डायोजनीज ने सिकंदर को कहा था, मैं इतना समृद्ध हूँ कि मैं कुछ भी संग्रह नहीं करता । और तेरी दरिद्रता का अंत नहीं, क्योंकि इस पूरी पृथ्वी के साम्राज्य को पा लेने पर भी तुम संग्रह करोगे । इसी लिए जब सम्राटों को संग्रह में छिपी दरिद्रता के दर्शन हुए हैं, तो उन्होंने दरिद्रता में छिपे साम्राज्य को स्वीकार कर लिया । क्या मनुष्य का इतिहास ऐसे भिखारियों से परिचित नहीं, जिनसे सम्राट बड़े कभी नहीं होते । जो धन संग्रह के संबंध में सत्य है, वह सभी प्रकार के संग्रहों के लिए भी सत्य है । विचार संग्रह भी उसका अपवाद नहीं । बाह्य संपत्ति के संग्रह से जो धनी है; वह यदि दरिद्र है, तो शास्त्रों के शब्दों से जो ज्ञानी है, वह भी अज्ञानी ही है ।शास्त्र से नहीं, जब स्वयं से और जब शब्द से नहीं बल्कि अंतस से आलोक मिलता है, तभी ज्ञान का आविर्भाव होता है ।
ज्ञान का जन्म ध्यान से होता है । ध्यान का अर्थ है : विचार छोड़कर चेतना में प्रतिष्ठित हो जाना । विचारों के प्रवाह का नाम मन है । जो इन विचारों के प्रवाह को देखता है, उसका नाम चेतना है । विचार विषय है और चेतना विषयी । विचार दृश्य है, चेतना द्रष्टा । विचार जाने जाते हैं, चेतना जानती है । विचार बाहर से आते हैं, चेतना भीतर है । विचार पर है, चेतना स्व है । विचारों को छोड़ना है और चेतना में ठहरना है । सब धर्मों की साधना का सार यही है ।
विचार प्रवाह के सम्यक् निरीक्षण से तथा तटस्थ साक्षी भाव से मात्र उन्हें देखने से वे धीरे-धीरे क्षीण हो जाते हैं । जैसे कोई बिल्ली चूहे को पकड़ती हो तो पकड़ने के पूर्व उसकी तैयारी पर ध्यान दें । कितनी सजग और कितनी शांत, कितनी शिथिल और तैयार ! ऐसे ही स्वयं के भीतर विचार को पकड़ने के लिए होना पड़ता है । जैसे ही कोई विचार उठे, बिल्ली की भांति झपटें और उसे पकड़ लें । उसे उलटें-पलटें और उसका निरीक्षण करें । किंतु उसे सोचे नहीं, मात्र देंखें । और तब पाया जाता है कि वह देखते ही देखते वाष्पीभूत हो गया है। हाथ खाली और विचार विलीन हो जाता है । फिर शांत और सजग रहें । दूसरा विचार आएगा, उसके साथ भी यही करना । तीसरा आएगा, उसके साथ भी यही । इस प्रकार ध्यान का अभ्यास करना । जैसे-जैसे अभ्यास गहरा होता है, वैसे-वैसे बिल्ली बैठी रह जाती है और चूहे विलीन हो जाते हैं । चूहे जैसे बिल्ली से डरते हैं, विचार वैसे ही ध्यान से डरते हैं । बिल्ली जैसे चूहों की मृत्यु है, ध्यान वैसे ही विचारों की मृत्यु है ।
विचार की मृत्यु पर सत्य का दर्शन होता है । तब मात्र वही शेष रह जाता है- जो है । वह सत्य है । वही परमात्मा है । उसे जानने में ही मुक्ति है और दुख व अंधकार का अतिक्रमण है ।
(यह लेख ओशो देशना पर आधारित है।)
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे Tags: संस्कृति, धर्म, लेख
स्वयं की मुक्ति की तृष्णा या भौतिक सुखो की प्राप्ति की तृष्णा
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 21 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:02 ) ।
अध्यात्म के मार्ग पर चलकर स्वहित की पूर्ति या भौतिक मार्ग पर चलकर स्वहित की पूर्ति या फिर भौतिकता तथा आध्यात्मिकता के मध्य सन्तुलन बनाते हुए स्वहितो की पूर्ति करने वाले लोग एक ही थैली के सिक्के है ये सभी सिक्के चमकदार है सदियो से बुद्धिमान अनुनाई इनका स्वहित में उपयोग करते आए है स्वयं की मुक्ति के आनन्द तथा भौतिक सुखो के आनन्द में डूबे रहे हैसमाज की मुक्ति, मानवता की मुक्ति, गरीबी से मुक्ति, भ्रष्टाचार से मुक्ति, अनुनाईयो को निहित स्वार्थो से मुक्ति दिलाने के प्रश्नो के उत्तर खोजने के नाम पर इन सभी मार्गो पर चलने वाले लोग या तो वैचारिक मृत्यु का वरण कर लेते है या मौन हो जाते है इन निरर्थक प्रश्नो पर ध्यान देकर अपने निहित स्वार्थो की पूर्ति में लगी ऊर्जा को कम नही करना चाहते या दुनियां ऐसे ही चलती है इस दर्शन में अटूट आस्था रखते है निहित स्वार्थो, महत्वकांक्षाओ से भरे एसे लोग सदैव मानवता पर बोझ रहे हैबुद्ध, ईसा, अशोक्,मार्क्स्,गांधी जैसे लोगो ने मनुष्य तथा समाज के लिए प्रखर चिन्तन मनन करते हुए नूतन संस्कृति निर्माण की कई सम्भावनाए दिखाई पर ईसा को सूली से गांधी को गोली तक समाज में विध्यमान कचरा प्रवृत्तियां नही बदलीमनुष्य की मुक्ति की बात बहुत कर ली अब मानवता की मुक्ति की बात करो साधको
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 21 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:18 ) ।
जो स्वयं में स्थित है,स्थितप्रज्ञवह न स्वयं की मुक्ति की कामना करताऔरन ही भौतिक सुखों की प्राप्ति की इच्छा रखतावह तोजीवन को आनंद से जीता हैऔर जोआनंद में है वह मुक्त है ।
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
निष्क्रिय स्थितप्रज्ञ या कृष्ण सदृश सक्रिय स्थितप्रज्ञ
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 08:29 ) ।
किसी विचार, किसी भाव ,धारणा या प्राप्त ज्ञान का संरक्षण या पुनराव्रत्ति अपने पूर्ववर्तियो के द्वारा की गई गलतियो का दोहराव मात्र है सत्य अनंत है इसकी निरन्तर साधना की प्रक्रिया से मिलने वाला आनंद भी अनंत है सत्य की झलक मिलते ही आप अभय की ओर गमन करने लगते है तृष्णाओ से मुक्त होने लगते है और अनंत प्रज्ञा आपके अंदर आलोकित होने लगती है जो आपको स्वतःस्फूर्त अनंत सक्रियता के साथ जीवन का सर्वांगीण आनंद उठाने के लिए ऊर्जावान बनाए रखती है
सदियो से यह विश्व दोहराव या अच्छी पुनराव्रत्ति करने वाले लोगो से प्रेरित होता रहा है इसी कारण इतिहास अपने को दोहराता हैजिसे सत्य की झलक मात्र मिल जाती है वह धर्म और न्याय की स्थापना के लिए अर्जुन की तरह सक्रिय हो जाता है सत्य की खोज वैचारिक म्रत्यु नही अपितु धर्म की स्थापना हेतु अनंत प्रज्ञा को जाग्रत करती है
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 09:36 ) ।
स्थितप्रज्ञ के साथ कृपया कोई विशेषण न लगाएँ ।अनुभूति ...
वैचारिक मृत्यु या जाग्रत अनन्त प्रज्ञा
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 17:14 ) ।
अनुभूति जो वैचारिक मृत्यु या विचारशून्यता लाकर मृत्यु सिखाए या फिर जो इससे ऊपर उठते हुए अधिकांश साधको के अंदर सुप्तावस्था में बैठी अनन्त प्रज्ञा को जाग्रत कर धर्म की स्थापना के लिये साधको को सक्रिय करे
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 18:53 ) ।
साक्षी भाव का दूसरा नाम विचार शून्यता है ।विचार शून्यता का मतलब जड़ता या मृत्यु नहीं है ।जब चेतना प्रज्ञा में स्थित होती है, तो वह निश्चल होती है ।और एक शौरगुल भरे मन से अधिक सजग होती है ।वहां जो भी ग्राह्य होता है वही अमृत है।वही धर्म है
मात्र धर्म की साधना या धर्म की स्थापना भी
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 19:29 ) ।
धर्म मात्र स्वार्थ के लिए या सर्वार्थ के लिए dharm का अर्थ जानना मात्र ही धर्म या उसका अर्थ बोध करते हुए उसकी स्थापना के लिए कर्मक्षेत्र में उतरना भी
स्व और पर का भेद नहीं असीम अनंत सत्ता का बोध
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 20:59 ) ।
साक्षी में, स्थितप्रज्ञता में स्व और पर का भेद नहीं रहता ।वहां अनंत सत्ता है । वहां सब संबंधित हैं । वहां असीम विस्तार है ।धर्म खाली शब्द नहीं जिसका कि किन्हीं दूसरे शब्दों में अर्थ बतलाया जा रहा है । जब आप उस अमृत दशा में होते हैं तो बोध ही होता, न कि मात्र शब्दों का खेल और आप इस अवस्था में जो भी कर्म करते हैं वह मानव कल्याण के लिए ही होता है ।
अमृत दशा में पहुंचा व्यक्ति कर्मयोगी हो जाता है
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:14 ) ।
बुद्ध्,महावीर्,ईसा,कबीर, नानक, मार्क्स्,आइंसटाइन्,गांधी जैसे महापुरुष कर्मयोगी थे समाज से जो भी लिया उसे परिष्क्रत कर समाज को जीवनपर्यंत वापस करते रहेस्थितप्रज्ञता और धर्म कोई स्थिर भाव या बोध नही,अपितु स्वतःस्फूर्त विकासमान बोध है जो दृश्य और अदृश्य या इससे भी परे जगत में व्याप्त अनंत सत्य की अनवरत खोज में सहायक है स्थितप्रज्ञता प्रज्ञा को अनंत ऊर्जा से भर चेतना को अनंत सक्रिय बना देती है और इस अवस्था मै पहुंचे व्यक्ति अनंत सत्य के अनेको रहस्यो को मनुष्य समाज पर्यावरण के हित में अनावरित करते है
कर्म साधन है और धर्म साध्य
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 22 अगस्त, 2009 - 22:58 ) ।
कर्मयोगी का अर्थ है : जो कर्म के द्वारा उस दशा (स्थितप्रज्ञता, धर्म में प्रतिष्ठा) को प्राप्त करता है । इस दशा को अन्य मार्गों से भी पाया जा सकता है । कर्म साधन है और धर्म, स्थितप्रज्ञता साध्य । ऐसा नहीं है कि जो व्यक्ति स्थितप्रज्ञ है, वह अकर्मण्य हो जाता है । बल्कि उसके कर्मों में तो एक असाधारणता होती है ।
हमें ऐसे स्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्ति के कर्मों की असाधारणता दिखाई पड़ती है । लेकिन उन कर्मों के पीछे कितनी साधना और सजगता का जीवन है, यह हम नहीं देखते । यहीं से समझ का अभाव दिखाई पड़ता है । हम परिणाम (फल) को देखते हैं, लेकिन उसके पीछे की साधना (जड़) को अनदेखा कर देते हैं ।
स्थित्प्रज्ञता दिव्य चक्षु है
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 23 अगस्त, 2009 - 07:03 ) ।
तोता राम राम कहने से राम की महिमा नही जान जाता ठीक इसी प्रकार मात्र अनुभूति करके कोई स्थित प्रज्ञ नही हो जाता, स्थितप्रज्ञता की अनुभूति उस परम सत्य की अनंतता का ज्ञान प्राप्त करने का दिव्य चक्षु है जो धारणाओ के पिंजडे में बन्द तोता वाणी नही अपितु धर्म राजनीति मनुष्य समाज संस्कृति सभ्यता अर्थनीति आदि अनेको क्षेत्रो को भी आपके लिए पारदर्शी बना देने वाली अनुभूति हैइस अनुभूति रुपी दिव्य चक्षु के उत्पन्न होते ही चहुंओर व्याप्त पाखंड धूर्तताए,स्वार्थ वे सभी कितने ही मुखौटे क्यों न लगा ले, आपके अंतर्जगत ,बाह्य जगत कही भी अपने को छुपाने की सामर्थ्य खो बैठती है यह दिव्य चक्षु समग्र के जिस भाग पर भी दृष्टि डालता है वह भाग उसके सामने निर्वसन होने लगता है उसके समस्त मुखौटे उतर जाते है और वह भाग अपने सच्चे रुप में प्रकट हो जाता हैस्थितप्रज्ञता को प्राप्त व्यक्ति के अंदर मनुष्य तथा समाज के अंदर विध्यमान अंधविश्वाशो पाखंडो धूर्तताओ निहित स्वार्थो का उपचार करते हुए स्वतःस्फूर्त रूप से मनुष्य तथा समाज को धर्म की,न्याय की, स्थापना की ओर ले जाने की अपार सामर्थ्य होती है और वह इस अपार सामर्थ्य का स्वार्थ में नही सर्वार्थ के उपयोग के लिए कर्मक्षेत्र में उतरता ही है
स्थितप्रज्ञता और कर्मफल
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 24 अगस्त, 2009 - 19:10 ) ।
कोई भी अनुभूति स्थितप्रज्ञ नहीं होती । लेकिन स्थितप्रज्ञ पुरुष को जो अनुभुति होती है, वह स्वच्छ अंत:करण से होती है और ऐसी दृष्टि में निश्चित ही चीजों को उनके अंतरतम से भेद देने की शक्ति होती है और ऐसी दृष्टि हर चीज को निश्चित ही उघाड़ कर उसे उसके वास्तविक रूप में प्रस्तुत कर देती है ।प्रिय मित्र !!! आपका जोर कर्म पर है, मैं आपके भाव को समझ रहा हूँ । पर मैंने यह भी कहा कि एकमात्र कर्म ही धर्म प्रतिष्ठा, स्थितप्रज्ञता का मार्ग नहीं है, इसके अतिरिक्त भक्ति और ज्ञान के मार्ग भी हैं । लेकिन किसी भी पुरुष के लिए कर्म निश्चित रूप से जरूरी होता है । कोई भी व्यक्ति कर्म से बच नहीं सकता । सांस लेना, चलना,उठना, बैठना, पढ़ना, जैसे सामान्य कार्य ऐच्छिक या अनैच्छिक सभी कर्म हैं । कर्म का क्षेत्र विस्तृत है । किसी भी मार्ग से स्थितप्रज्ञ हुए व्यक्ति के लिए भी कर्म अनिवार्य हैं, लेकिन उसके कर्म कर्मफल से बंधे नहीं होते, क्योंकि जिस दशा में वे कर्म किए गए होते हैं, वहां किसी प्रकार का द्वैत नहीं होता । निश्चित ही कर्मों से नहीं छूटा जा सकता ।
स्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्ति सत्य जगत में रह्ता है
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 25 अगस्त, 2009 - 12:01 ) ।
स्थितप्रज्ञ हुए व्यक्ति के लिए ज्ञान भक्ति तथा कर्म के विभाजन समाप्त हो जाते है वस्तुतः ये विभाजन अज्ञान जगत में ही अनुभव अनुभव होते है अज्ञान जगत में ज्ञान ,भक्ति, तथा कर्म अनिवार्य समझे जाते है परन्तु स्थित्प्रज्ञ हुए व्यक्ति के सत्य जगत में ज्ञान, भक्ति तथा कर्म ,एक हो जाते है समग्र हो जाते है स्वतःस्फूर्त समग्र हो जाते है ज्ञान भक्ति तथा कर्म का संलयन अनंत उर्जा का भन्डार होता है जो शाश्वत ,निरंतर सक्रियता स्वतः स्फूर्त रुप से उत्पन्न करता रहता है अज्ञान जगत में ज्ञान ,भक्ति, तथा कर्म अलग -अलग विकसित किए जाते है परन्तु सत्य जगत मै यह विभाजन समाप्त हो जाते है और ये एक समग्र के रुप में अविरल रुप से विकसित होने वाली अनन्त प्रक्रिया में बदल जाते हैज्ञान तथा भक्ति इस समग्र के अदृश्य तत्व है परन्तु कर्म दृश्य तत्व है ज्ञान तथा भक्ति का उच्च स्तर स्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्ति के कर्म से ही प्रकट होता है स्थित्प्रज्ञ व्यक्ति के ज्ञान तथा भक्ति का यह उच्च स्तर एसे कर्मो से दृश्यमान होता है जो समस्त अज्ञान ,पाखन्ड,धूर्तताओ,निहित स्वार्थो से ग्रसित सत्ताखोरो, मुनाफाखोरो, धर्मखोरो,अनुभूतिखोरो को अपने दिव्य चक्षुओ से निर्वसन कर उन्हे अहंकार भय तथा तृष्णाओ से मुक्त कर मानवता की गरिमा की स्थापना के मार्ग पर लाने की अपार सामर्थ्य रखता हैस्थितप्रज्ञ व्यक्तिके लिए ज्ञान भक्ति तथा कर्म में कोई द्वैत नही होता स्थित्प्रज्ञ व्यक्ति सत्य जगत में रहता है अज्ञान से भरे विश्व मे यदि वह उपस्थित हो तो वह अज्ञान, भय ,तृष्णा,अहंकार, निहित स्वार्थो को साफ करने लगता है जब तक कि अज्ञान तथा निहित स्वार्थो के सफाए के उपरान्त सत्य जगत की स्थापना नही हो जाती वह अज्ञान जगत से भाग कर स्वयं को किन्ही अन्य अनुभूतियो में स्थिर नही करता किसी अन्य खन्ड में छुपकर कर्मफलो से मुक्ति की तृष्णा नही पालता
शुभ है
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 26 अगस्त, 2009 - 21:42 ) ।
आप स्थितप्रज्ञ हैं, तो शुभ है । अपने ज्ञान जगत और कर्मों से धर्म की स्थापना कर संसार को सुंदर बनाने में सहयोग करें ।
धर्म और प्रेम अनन्त = योग
प्रेषक तरुनि करिया ( 27 अगस्त, 2009 - 08:05 ) ।
मानव धर्म और मानव प्रेम सर्वोपरि है .इनका योग हो जाये तो कितना अच्छा हो !क्योंकि जुडना और जोडना ही जरूरी है .यह "योग" परम तत्व से हो या "मानव" से ,यानि आत्मा से हो या परमात्मा से , बात एक ही है , यदि इसे ठीक से समझ सकें तो .शायद कुछ इस तरह ....
मैं योग की कर कामनाकरती वियोगिनि साधना ॥
पथ प्रेम का है तब सुगमरागादि से जब मुक्ति होजब पथिक दो, पथ एक होनिष्काम हो आराधना ॥
मै योग की कर कामनाकरती वियोगिनि सधना ॥
हिम गल रहा, रवि जल रहाशशि नित्य रूप बदल रहापर इस अलॉकिक प्रेम काप्रतिकार पाना है मना ॥
मै योग की कर कामनाकरती वियोगिनि साधना ॥
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
प्रेषक मनोज भारती ( 27 अगस्त, 2009 - 19:56 ) ।
योग की परिभाषा पसंद आई ।
आपकी साधना पूरी हैतो वियोग अधिक समय नहींरह सकता,क्योंकि यदि आप उसकी ओरएक कदम बढ़ाती हैं, तो वह हजार कदमआपकी और बढ़ा देता है ।
प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिये प्रवेश करे अथवा पंजीयन करे
आत्मवत सर्वभूतेषू
प्रेषक ब्रजेश ( 27 अगस्त, 2009 - 21:58 ) ।
चेतनाओ के मध्य जब द्वैत समाप्त हो अद्वैत की स्थापना होती है तो अनन्त सत्य के नये, अबूझे, अज्ञात, रहस्य तथा उनमे छुपी अनन्तसम्पदाए प्रकट होने लगती है।
खंडित मनुष्य और खंडित समाज
खंडित सोच खंडित विचारवाद,
खंडित मनुष्य,खंडित समाज,
खंडित नेता, खंडित दल,खंडित लोकतंत्र,
खंडित धर्मगुरू,खंडित धर्म,खंडित धर्मतंत्र,
खंडित धनिक, खंडित धन्धे,खंडित अर्थतंत्र,
समग्र समस्याये, समग्र विचारहीनता, समग्र वैचारिक मृत्यु।
खंडित समाधान, खंडित उपचार ,खंडित समस्या निदानात्मक तंत्र।
खंडित शरीर,खंडित आत्माए,
खंडित भक्त,खंडित ईश्वर,
खंडित ज्ञान, खंडित अनुभूतियां ,
खंडित ध्यान,खंडित भक्ति, खंडित कर्म
गहन समग्र समस्याए, गहन समग्र विचारहीनता ,गहन समग्र वैचारिक मृत्यु ।
खंडित समाधान, खंडित उपचार,खंडित समस्या निदानात्मक तंत्र ....
खंडित मनुष्य,खंडित समाज,
खंडित नेता, खंडित दल,खंडित लोकतंत्र,
खंडित धर्मगुरू,खंडित धर्म,खंडित धर्मतंत्र,
खंडित धनिक, खंडित धन्धे,खंडित अर्थतंत्र,
समग्र समस्याये, समग्र विचारहीनता, समग्र वैचारिक मृत्यु।
खंडित समाधान, खंडित उपचार ,खंडित समस्या निदानात्मक तंत्र।
खंडित शरीर,खंडित आत्माए,
खंडित भक्त,खंडित ईश्वर,
खंडित ज्ञान, खंडित अनुभूतियां ,
खंडित ध्यान,खंडित भक्ति, खंडित कर्म
गहन समग्र समस्याए, गहन समग्र विचारहीनता ,गहन समग्र वैचारिक मृत्यु ।
खंडित समाधान, खंडित उपचार,खंडित समस्या निदानात्मक तंत्र ....
सत्यमेव जयते एक मिथक है
शक्तिमेव जयते ही यथार्थ है। अर्धसत्य को सत्य का दर्जा देना उसे ही सत्य मानना ,मनवाना एक स्वीकार्य सामाजिक व्यवहार है। अर्धसत्य और असत्य एक ही सिक्के के दो पहलू है। प्रिय सत्य असत्य को छुपाने की एक मनभावन साजिश।
सत्य का सफलता से कोई संबंध नही है। सफलता,विजय का संबंध असत्य तथा अज्ञान से है खंडित सुख से है सत्य का संबंध जिज्ञासा, प्रेम, ध्यान,खोज से है निरीक्षण, परीक्षण और अनुभवो से है उद्वविकास से है अनंत आनंद से है
सत्यमेव जयते एक मिथक है अज्ञान जगत का पाखंड है जो तथाकथित अर्थनेताओ,धर्मनेताओ तथा राजनेताओ की असत्य की अज्ञान की दुकान चलाने मे सहायक होता है
सत्य का विजय से कोई संबंध नही ,सत्य का तथाकथित धर्म[पंथ] तथा उससे जुडे कर्मकांडो से भी कोई संबंध नही है सत्य स्वयं ही धर्म है आप उसे धारण नही कर सकते, अपितु वो ही आपको धारण किये हुए है परंतु आप उसका बोध अवश्य कर सकते है क्योकि आप उस अनंत सत्य का अविभाज्य अंग है आपको उसी से उत्पन्न तथा उसी में विलीन होना है
सत्य का सफलता से कोई संबंध नही है। सफलता,विजय का संबंध असत्य तथा अज्ञान से है खंडित सुख से है सत्य का संबंध जिज्ञासा, प्रेम, ध्यान,खोज से है निरीक्षण, परीक्षण और अनुभवो से है उद्वविकास से है अनंत आनंद से है
सत्यमेव जयते एक मिथक है अज्ञान जगत का पाखंड है जो तथाकथित अर्थनेताओ,धर्मनेताओ तथा राजनेताओ की असत्य की अज्ञान की दुकान चलाने मे सहायक होता है
सत्य का विजय से कोई संबंध नही ,सत्य का तथाकथित धर्म[पंथ] तथा उससे जुडे कर्मकांडो से भी कोई संबंध नही है सत्य स्वयं ही धर्म है आप उसे धारण नही कर सकते, अपितु वो ही आपको धारण किये हुए है परंतु आप उसका बोध अवश्य कर सकते है क्योकि आप उस अनंत सत्य का अविभाज्य अंग है आपको उसी से उत्पन्न तथा उसी में विलीन होना है
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I am very happy to accept your kind and polite challenge. respectfully I would say that you should not apologize if your school of thought differ from my thoughts .here I would add one more thing that there is nothing personal in different school of thoughts, but because of the ego of so-called intellectuals, all of us are bound to speak or write in such a manner.
In the world of ego or in the trap of the bounded intelligence we are not left the eternal creator of thoughts but mere a bundle of memories or the slave of our thoughts, in the lack of correct thought patterns. Self respect and your present thoughts are different things your self respect will remain with you till you survive but as you are an eternal creator of thoughts, your thoughts will bloom and wither just like the realities and you will march ahead on the perception of truth till you survive on this beautiful planet.
The only substantial difference between true intellectual and fake intellectual is that true intellectual always entertain the thoughts that opposes his perception of truth and very curiously examine, analyze, inspect, observe and experiment each and every thought to explore the eternal truth.
The great question lies here before the super minds is to find the truth behind the god made world and the reality behind the man made world to make this world a better living place for all.
For the seekers of truth, ego of intellectual is irrelevant the only relevant thing is to explore the truth at any cost. As swami vivekanand said, “Any thing can be sacrificed for truth”
Now let me come to your present point of view, you expressed here in the reaction of the blog Astrology false but highly money-making product of bounded intelligence
I said that “Astrology is a residual of ancient outlooks has no substance that can face the scientific procedures”,
You said “how many ancient outlooks can a modern man describe? It is a very bold statement and any bold statement ought to be supported by logical facts”
I think that before going through the other ancient out looks it would be better to focus on the astrology.
I raise some questions here for the supporter of astrology and astrologers-
If astrology claims it is a science why it does not adopt the scientific procedures and the confirmation tests to develop the principal and theories.
If it is not the science then what is, it is intuition or the illusion of bounded intelligence.
I challenge on this forum nobody can predict the course of social and evolutionary natural events because unpredictability is a rule of eternal truth. If any body differ my point of view come ahead and prove me wrong by predicting the course of social and natural events of the human beings and other living beings of this planet.
I hope that seekers of truth will come ahead to prove me right or wrong with straight forward scientific and logical facts.
Now let me come to your next thought-
You said that- how many ancient outlooks can a modern man describe?
The answer is-
Blind faith is also a residual of ancient’s outlooks, which kill the curiosity and bound the human being to act in superstitious manner. when a person offer a crown worth crores of rupees to the statue of man made various gods ,he has all the rights to say that he can spent his money in his own way but a sensible person will not accept these practices of wasting money in the name of so-called faith.
It was the blind faith of so called modern man when they were feeding lord ganesha with milk all over India and abroad.
The false stories of Lunar and solar eclipse are known to all. Sun is a star but astrologers claim it to be planet.
Untouchability and caste system are also residuals of ancient thoughts.
Tantra and human sacrifice, secondary status of women are also residuals of ancient thoughts,
The list is very big but I think the massage I want to give would be clear to all who are in agreement with you,
Now let me come to some holistic thoughts of ancient wisdom which are used by so-called modern intellectuals very often without knowing and using the true spirit of thoughts.
“VASUDHEV KUTUMBKAM” means the whole world is a family.
“JEEVAN SATYA SHODHANAM” means life is to explore the truth.
“Don’t hate the human being hate the evil” this thought tells us to explore the roots and genesis of evil in place of killing the human beings as a threat to humanity in the name of ego based identities of caste ,creeds, races, sects, cultures, subculture, elite class, deprived class…….)
The truth is that identity of human being is lost and the human being an eternal source of holistic energy is continuously shrinking to ego based identities and creating destruction every where in the name of communalism, naxalism, terrorism, war, law and order, communism, capitalism, blind faiths………)
You can visualize and realize by your curious and sensitive intelligence, the poisonous residuals of ancient thoughts coupled with modern destructive technology, are rampaging everywhere killing the humanity and planet senselessly.
But I claim and challenge the whole world, they would never be able to realize and visualize the elixir of ancient thoughts without adopting the path of nonviolence and truth with the help of inbuilt eternal intelligence of human being, to correct there thought patterns and feel patterns to unravel the grip of ego.
Present human being is just like a Hanuman of Ramayana who did not know his enormous strength,
I again appeal the whole world go ahead and enquire, the jesus and buddha were the very normal and common human being like you and me, so get awake and start the journey from the point where jesus and buddha left.
Now let me come to your third thought-
You said “Still I feel that things are actually not the way as we see them, because we are really far from the vision that is required to know ETERNAL TRUTH.”
My answer is-
It is the ego or the bounded intelligence that makes the distorted vision that is incapable to realize the eternal truth. Eternal truth is every where inside or outside, in the microscopic world and macroscopic world, in the finite bodies and in the eternity. we are not far from the eternal truth it is again the bounded intelligence or the ego that compel us to think, feel and visualize the whole not as a whole but in isolated fragments.
In my very first blog from fragment to totality I dealt with this problem that has been challenging the human intelligence over the centuries.
I am repeating that blog to clear my point of view.
Universe, environment, nature, life, man & society are a process not the events in isolation. When we think in terms of process we connect to the eternal process of evolution that helps us to understand the different happenings in a broad and true manner. But when we focus to events in isolation without knowing it’s scientific connection to the eternal process we fail to understand it’s evolution in true manner .The event based studies always produce the fragmented picture of totality.
It is the ego that fragments the whole in all respects, but eternal truth unifies the diversity to continue the eternal evolutionary process.
In conclusion I would like to say that The elixir of ancient thoughts is capable enough to develop the perception of truth and when it is joined with the scientific outlooks and procedures (the great invention of modern man) it generate the enormous potential in human being to kill the ego or bounded intelligence from every spheres of life.
I always feel happy from the core of my heart when sensitive personalities like you challenge me.I hope that you will not quit in the middle of discussion. I am waiting for your kind message.
In the world of ego or in the trap of the bounded intelligence we are not left the eternal creator of thoughts but mere a bundle of memories or the slave of our thoughts, in the lack of correct thought patterns. Self respect and your present thoughts are different things your self respect will remain with you till you survive but as you are an eternal creator of thoughts, your thoughts will bloom and wither just like the realities and you will march ahead on the perception of truth till you survive on this beautiful planet.
The only substantial difference between true intellectual and fake intellectual is that true intellectual always entertain the thoughts that opposes his perception of truth and very curiously examine, analyze, inspect, observe and experiment each and every thought to explore the eternal truth.
The great question lies here before the super minds is to find the truth behind the god made world and the reality behind the man made world to make this world a better living place for all.
For the seekers of truth, ego of intellectual is irrelevant the only relevant thing is to explore the truth at any cost. As swami vivekanand said, “Any thing can be sacrificed for truth”
Now let me come to your present point of view, you expressed here in the reaction of the blog Astrology false but highly money-making product of bounded intelligence
I said that “Astrology is a residual of ancient outlooks has no substance that can face the scientific procedures”,
You said “how many ancient outlooks can a modern man describe? It is a very bold statement and any bold statement ought to be supported by logical facts”
I think that before going through the other ancient out looks it would be better to focus on the astrology.
I raise some questions here for the supporter of astrology and astrologers-
If astrology claims it is a science why it does not adopt the scientific procedures and the confirmation tests to develop the principal and theories.
If it is not the science then what is, it is intuition or the illusion of bounded intelligence.
I challenge on this forum nobody can predict the course of social and evolutionary natural events because unpredictability is a rule of eternal truth. If any body differ my point of view come ahead and prove me wrong by predicting the course of social and natural events of the human beings and other living beings of this planet.
I hope that seekers of truth will come ahead to prove me right or wrong with straight forward scientific and logical facts.
Now let me come to your next thought-
You said that- how many ancient outlooks can a modern man describe?
The answer is-
Blind faith is also a residual of ancient’s outlooks, which kill the curiosity and bound the human being to act in superstitious manner. when a person offer a crown worth crores of rupees to the statue of man made various gods ,he has all the rights to say that he can spent his money in his own way but a sensible person will not accept these practices of wasting money in the name of so-called faith.
It was the blind faith of so called modern man when they were feeding lord ganesha with milk all over India and abroad.
The false stories of Lunar and solar eclipse are known to all. Sun is a star but astrologers claim it to be planet.
Untouchability and caste system are also residuals of ancient thoughts.
Tantra and human sacrifice, secondary status of women are also residuals of ancient thoughts,
The list is very big but I think the massage I want to give would be clear to all who are in agreement with you,
Now let me come to some holistic thoughts of ancient wisdom which are used by so-called modern intellectuals very often without knowing and using the true spirit of thoughts.
“VASUDHEV KUTUMBKAM” means the whole world is a family.
“JEEVAN SATYA SHODHANAM” means life is to explore the truth.
“Don’t hate the human being hate the evil” this thought tells us to explore the roots and genesis of evil in place of killing the human beings as a threat to humanity in the name of ego based identities of caste ,creeds, races, sects, cultures, subculture, elite class, deprived class…….)
The truth is that identity of human being is lost and the human being an eternal source of holistic energy is continuously shrinking to ego based identities and creating destruction every where in the name of communalism, naxalism, terrorism, war, law and order, communism, capitalism, blind faiths………)
You can visualize and realize by your curious and sensitive intelligence, the poisonous residuals of ancient thoughts coupled with modern destructive technology, are rampaging everywhere killing the humanity and planet senselessly.
But I claim and challenge the whole world, they would never be able to realize and visualize the elixir of ancient thoughts without adopting the path of nonviolence and truth with the help of inbuilt eternal intelligence of human being, to correct there thought patterns and feel patterns to unravel the grip of ego.
Present human being is just like a Hanuman of Ramayana who did not know his enormous strength,
I again appeal the whole world go ahead and enquire, the jesus and buddha were the very normal and common human being like you and me, so get awake and start the journey from the point where jesus and buddha left.
Now let me come to your third thought-
You said “Still I feel that things are actually not the way as we see them, because we are really far from the vision that is required to know ETERNAL TRUTH.”
My answer is-
It is the ego or the bounded intelligence that makes the distorted vision that is incapable to realize the eternal truth. Eternal truth is every where inside or outside, in the microscopic world and macroscopic world, in the finite bodies and in the eternity. we are not far from the eternal truth it is again the bounded intelligence or the ego that compel us to think, feel and visualize the whole not as a whole but in isolated fragments.
In my very first blog from fragment to totality I dealt with this problem that has been challenging the human intelligence over the centuries.
I am repeating that blog to clear my point of view.
Universe, environment, nature, life, man & society are a process not the events in isolation. When we think in terms of process we connect to the eternal process of evolution that helps us to understand the different happenings in a broad and true manner. But when we focus to events in isolation without knowing it’s scientific connection to the eternal process we fail to understand it’s evolution in true manner .The event based studies always produce the fragmented picture of totality.
It is the ego that fragments the whole in all respects, but eternal truth unifies the diversity to continue the eternal evolutionary process.
In conclusion I would like to say that The elixir of ancient thoughts is capable enough to develop the perception of truth and when it is joined with the scientific outlooks and procedures (the great invention of modern man) it generate the enormous potential in human being to kill the ego or bounded intelligence from every spheres of life.
I always feel happy from the core of my heart when sensitive personalities like you challenge me.I hope that you will not quit in the middle of discussion. I am waiting for your kind message.
Astrology false but highly money-making product of bounded intelligence
Astrology is nothing but the illusion of bounded intelligence or the guess work in the skin of science. It is a poison for eternal curiosity and eternal love and has tremendous potential to blocks the scientific outlooks; it reinforces the bounded intelligence and provides an ideological shield for fake leaders and gurus.
Astrological predictions can’t enhance the quality of life but has enormous potential to make you fool on the very simple ground that lot of people believes on this.
Astrology is a residual of ancient outlooks has no substance that can face the scientific procedures but because most of the people even in the modern world don’t apply scientific outlooks on the ancient knowledge and it is a saleable item also that’s why it is still existing just like various other superstitions.
Scientifically you can predict the direction of social process but even science can never predicts the course of social events, when, where and how the event would happen exactly.
Eternal truth that is behind the evolutionary process of this universe always keeps the uncertainty; in course of events it is a scientifically approved fact.
But when astrologer and the supporters of astrology say that astrology is a science they negate the principle of uncertainty. Either they don’t know the nature of science and scientific outlook or they are the true disciple of bounded intelligence not interested in the process required to know the truth.
Science is not capable to predict the course of natural and social events. But on the basis of science, astrology claims it can predict the future of human being. Without any scientific evidence it is ridiculous to say that astrology can predict the course of events.
How a sensible person can accept that astrology has the potential to predict the uncertainty which even science can’t predict.
Let me explain the uncertainty of eternal truth by the example –
Look at the evolution of life on this planet
In the first phase of life dinosaurs dominates the planet but human being was nowhere in the scene.
In the second phase of life human being as Homo sapiens appeared about 40000 years ago among the different kind of flora and fauna.
Compare both the process of evolution of life that happened on the same planet you will see that second phase of evolution is quite different from the first one. It shows that eternal truth always keeps the course of events unpredictable.
Astrology is nothing but the illusion of bounded intelligence because most of the people have illogical faith on it that’s why it is still alive like various other superstitions.
Astrology never follows the scientific procedures; astrology has no scientifically approved principal or a theory that’s why the fake knowledge of astrology is used by different astrologers in different ways to exploit the greed and fear of man and society.
Do one experiment with your astrologer-
Take a coin, throw it and ask your astrologer which way the coin would fall. You too forecast which way the coin would fall. You will find that your guesswork is not poor from the guesswork of the astrologer.
Do the second experiment with your astrologer-
Pick the four ants and tell your astrologer that you are going to kill the two ants, can he predicts which ants are going to be killed.
Do third experiment with your astrologer-
Take out your fully loaded revolver and pick three bullets out and revolve it, now ask your astrologer that can he predict when the revolver would kill him and when not.
I am sure your astrologer would runaway from the site and will never face to the direction where he will see you.
Thousands of experiments can be made by eternal intelligence to baffle the fake knowledge of the astrologers.
Scientifically you can predict the direction of social process but can never predicts the course of events, when and where the event would happen exactly. When and where terrorist will make successful attack, when saddam would be hanged, when laden would be killed or be caught, when society will respect the dignity of every human being, When the man and society would be ruled by the leaders of the eternal intelligence on the ground of wisdom and nonviolence nobody can predicts exactly.
Astrologers always use the greed and fear of the human being, and in the world of bounded intelligence they can easily convince their clients. Astrology can survive only in the world of bounded intelligence. In the world of eternal intelligence astrology can’t survive.
When most of the people would come out of these faulty thought patterns, definitely on that day we would go one step ahead for the making of the better world.
1:Brijesh ji,I have read your article many times to know the message, but sir; I sincerely apologize to differ from you. However, neither do I have any knowledge of Astrology nor do I have a solid science background, still I feel that things are actually not the way as we see them, because we are really far from the vision that is required to know ETERNAL TRUTH.You have said that “Astrology is a residual of ancient outlooks has no substance that can face the scientific procedures”, how many ancient outlooks can a modern man describe?It is a very bold statement and any bold statement ought to be supported by logical facts. In fact, the BOUNDED INTELLIGENCE is the intelligence which does not let a person see the reality….or that does not allow a person to see out of four walls of his ego, ignorance and greed. Sir, no offence but you or I do not have those eyes to judge things from critics’ angle, I am writing all this because I really did not find this article, adhering to the required norms….By no means, do I wish to challenge your authority over the subjects or your intention to share them.I hope you would understand the motive of this reply. I have read many of your blog and more or less I am in agreement with most of your school of thoughts….but not with this one.I again apologize for being so upfront…All the Best!!!Vikram
Astrological predictions can’t enhance the quality of life but has enormous potential to make you fool on the very simple ground that lot of people believes on this.
Astrology is a residual of ancient outlooks has no substance that can face the scientific procedures but because most of the people even in the modern world don’t apply scientific outlooks on the ancient knowledge and it is a saleable item also that’s why it is still existing just like various other superstitions.
Scientifically you can predict the direction of social process but even science can never predicts the course of social events, when, where and how the event would happen exactly.
Eternal truth that is behind the evolutionary process of this universe always keeps the uncertainty; in course of events it is a scientifically approved fact.
But when astrologer and the supporters of astrology say that astrology is a science they negate the principle of uncertainty. Either they don’t know the nature of science and scientific outlook or they are the true disciple of bounded intelligence not interested in the process required to know the truth.
Science is not capable to predict the course of natural and social events. But on the basis of science, astrology claims it can predict the future of human being. Without any scientific evidence it is ridiculous to say that astrology can predict the course of events.
How a sensible person can accept that astrology has the potential to predict the uncertainty which even science can’t predict.
Let me explain the uncertainty of eternal truth by the example –
Look at the evolution of life on this planet
In the first phase of life dinosaurs dominates the planet but human being was nowhere in the scene.
In the second phase of life human being as Homo sapiens appeared about 40000 years ago among the different kind of flora and fauna.
Compare both the process of evolution of life that happened on the same planet you will see that second phase of evolution is quite different from the first one. It shows that eternal truth always keeps the course of events unpredictable.
Astrology is nothing but the illusion of bounded intelligence because most of the people have illogical faith on it that’s why it is still alive like various other superstitions.
Astrology never follows the scientific procedures; astrology has no scientifically approved principal or a theory that’s why the fake knowledge of astrology is used by different astrologers in different ways to exploit the greed and fear of man and society.
Do one experiment with your astrologer-
Take a coin, throw it and ask your astrologer which way the coin would fall. You too forecast which way the coin would fall. You will find that your guesswork is not poor from the guesswork of the astrologer.
Do the second experiment with your astrologer-
Pick the four ants and tell your astrologer that you are going to kill the two ants, can he predicts which ants are going to be killed.
Do third experiment with your astrologer-
Take out your fully loaded revolver and pick three bullets out and revolve it, now ask your astrologer that can he predict when the revolver would kill him and when not.
I am sure your astrologer would runaway from the site and will never face to the direction where he will see you.
Thousands of experiments can be made by eternal intelligence to baffle the fake knowledge of the astrologers.
Scientifically you can predict the direction of social process but can never predicts the course of events, when and where the event would happen exactly. When and where terrorist will make successful attack, when saddam would be hanged, when laden would be killed or be caught, when society will respect the dignity of every human being, When the man and society would be ruled by the leaders of the eternal intelligence on the ground of wisdom and nonviolence nobody can predicts exactly.
Astrologers always use the greed and fear of the human being, and in the world of bounded intelligence they can easily convince their clients. Astrology can survive only in the world of bounded intelligence. In the world of eternal intelligence astrology can’t survive.
When most of the people would come out of these faulty thought patterns, definitely on that day we would go one step ahead for the making of the better world.
1:Brijesh ji,I have read your article many times to know the message, but sir; I sincerely apologize to differ from you. However, neither do I have any knowledge of Astrology nor do I have a solid science background, still I feel that things are actually not the way as we see them, because we are really far from the vision that is required to know ETERNAL TRUTH.You have said that “Astrology is a residual of ancient outlooks has no substance that can face the scientific procedures”, how many ancient outlooks can a modern man describe?It is a very bold statement and any bold statement ought to be supported by logical facts. In fact, the BOUNDED INTELLIGENCE is the intelligence which does not let a person see the reality….or that does not allow a person to see out of four walls of his ego, ignorance and greed. Sir, no offence but you or I do not have those eyes to judge things from critics’ angle, I am writing all this because I really did not find this article, adhering to the required norms….By no means, do I wish to challenge your authority over the subjects or your intention to share them.I hope you would understand the motive of this reply. I have read many of your blog and more or less I am in agreement with most of your school of thoughts….but not with this one.I again apologize for being so upfront…All the Best!!!Vikram
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Man and society with blunt sensitivity is a true disciple of bounded intelligence and Sensitivity an eternal flower withers in the rule of bounded intelligence. The visible symptoms of fake sensitivity are seen in our day today behavior when we make much hue and cry for even a slightest pain in our body but accustomed to overlook the great pain of humanity or other human being.
Bounded intelligence highlights the short sight of man and society in terms of fragmented self or self interests and blocks foresight and insight for whole some interests.
It convinces you, or makes you ready to be happy with very little and mostly fake achievement and make you and society a great killer of wholesome self and surroundings persistently.
In the environment of bounded intelligence self interests with the help of ego rules the world in the mask of humanity and gets the legitimacy from the human kind lacking the foresight and perception of whole some self or eternal truth.
Self interests coupled with short sight make the environment well suitable for the fake political leaders’ fake spiritual gurus’ fake managers and fake writers….)
Leaders and followers, gurus and disciples, writers and readers compliments each other, so the Market rule of demand and supply set in to pave the way for confirmation of buyers and sellers, giver and receiver. Here the developers of fragmented and fake political tricks and policies, meditation tricks, product and services, ritual practices or superstitious tricks, product and services and management tricks gets the huge market to develop the fragments (vested interest groups) at the cost of whole in the absence of correct thought patterns.
The above mentioned social phenomenon and processes produced a shrinking whole of man and society where on one hand you can have abundance of non essential products and services for the lavishness and extravagance of top class but on the other, terrible deprivation of essential goods and services-
reflects in lack of sanitation, health facility, pure drinking water, proper food, clothing and shelter for the poor class and majority of human beings.
As I always appeal I again appeal get awake all of you from the day dreaming shun the fake and baseless utopian hopes, faiths, of bounded intelligence, and starts believing in the eternal love, curiosity, intelligence of humans and look forward like Buddha and Jesus.
Go ahead and enquire they were not the God they were the very normal human being like you and me .Come on let us start the journey of eternal love and curiosity from the point where Jesus and Buddha left. We the greatest design of God have eternal potential to abolish the rule of ego, utopian hopes and faiths of shrinking man and society and to initiate the rule of eternal truth by the help of eternal intelligence to establish the platform for evolutionary growth of man and society.
Bounded intelligence highlights the short sight of man and society in terms of fragmented self or self interests and blocks foresight and insight for whole some interests.
It convinces you, or makes you ready to be happy with very little and mostly fake achievement and make you and society a great killer of wholesome self and surroundings persistently.
In the environment of bounded intelligence self interests with the help of ego rules the world in the mask of humanity and gets the legitimacy from the human kind lacking the foresight and perception of whole some self or eternal truth.
Self interests coupled with short sight make the environment well suitable for the fake political leaders’ fake spiritual gurus’ fake managers and fake writers….)
Leaders and followers, gurus and disciples, writers and readers compliments each other, so the Market rule of demand and supply set in to pave the way for confirmation of buyers and sellers, giver and receiver. Here the developers of fragmented and fake political tricks and policies, meditation tricks, product and services, ritual practices or superstitious tricks, product and services and management tricks gets the huge market to develop the fragments (vested interest groups) at the cost of whole in the absence of correct thought patterns.
The above mentioned social phenomenon and processes produced a shrinking whole of man and society where on one hand you can have abundance of non essential products and services for the lavishness and extravagance of top class but on the other, terrible deprivation of essential goods and services-
reflects in lack of sanitation, health facility, pure drinking water, proper food, clothing and shelter for the poor class and majority of human beings.
As I always appeal I again appeal get awake all of you from the day dreaming shun the fake and baseless utopian hopes, faiths, of bounded intelligence, and starts believing in the eternal love, curiosity, intelligence of humans and look forward like Buddha and Jesus.
Go ahead and enquire they were not the God they were the very normal human being like you and me .Come on let us start the journey of eternal love and curiosity from the point where Jesus and Buddha left. We the greatest design of God have eternal potential to abolish the rule of ego, utopian hopes and faiths of shrinking man and society and to initiate the rule of eternal truth by the help of eternal intelligence to establish the platform for evolutionary growth of man and society.
My friend sends me a thought
A Nice Management Proverb: "A DOG will not hurt u,if u beat it with a bone ...." so se the right weapon to handle people .. Gud Mornini ..
My point of view over this thought is different-
Human beings are dog, lion, hawk ...) it is rule of ego that makes you to follow these disgusting thoughts and bound the people to behave in that way. But human beings are not built to match the qualities of other living beings.Other living beings can,t destruct or enhance the harmony of nature but can mantain the delicate balance of nature outstandingly.
Human beings are a greatest design of God who has enormous potential to rule the world. Human beings are free to rule the world in a way to enhance the harmony of man society and nature or to destruct it. Here you can see the other living being of the earth that are built by God to maintain ecological balance with blooming diversity, are doing so, but the human beings who were built by God to rule and enhance the harmony of world are doing negatively. Human beings are destructing the eternal potential of man, society and environment in the name of fake thoughts of so-called spritual, management, buisness, or political gurus.
Get awake now, before the point of no return come, and shun the rule of ego to go ahead on the path of truth realistically for true achievements beneficial for man society and environment immediately, directly and everlastingly.
My point of view over this thought is different-
Human beings are dog, lion, hawk ...) it is rule of ego that makes you to follow these disgusting thoughts and bound the people to behave in that way. But human beings are not built to match the qualities of other living beings.Other living beings can,t destruct or enhance the harmony of nature but can mantain the delicate balance of nature outstandingly.
Human beings are a greatest design of God who has enormous potential to rule the world. Human beings are free to rule the world in a way to enhance the harmony of man society and nature or to destruct it. Here you can see the other living being of the earth that are built by God to maintain ecological balance with blooming diversity, are doing so, but the human beings who were built by God to rule and enhance the harmony of world are doing negatively. Human beings are destructing the eternal potential of man, society and environment in the name of fake thoughts of so-called spritual, management, buisness, or political gurus.
Get awake now, before the point of no return come, and shun the rule of ego to go ahead on the path of truth realistically for true achievements beneficial for man society and environment immediately, directly and everlastingly.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Whole world should get aware, how the bounded intelligence forms the vicious circles and keeps the man and society, in the illusion of fragmented progress and fake hopes that in near future world would become a better place to live for every human being.
It is must for man and society to be aware that-
How the vicious circles are formed and perpetuated by bounded intelligence. It can be understood by going through the different stages given below-
First stage- bounded intelligence legitimates the discrimination among human being.
Second stage- accepts the deprivations in internal world and external world.
Third stage- recognizes the conflicts as a part and parcel of human being.
Fourth stage –divide the human being in good and bad category.
Fifth stage – kill and prison the bad human being in fake hope that world would become a better place to live.
Sixth stage- power and money plays a decisive role in deciding, whom the bad is.
Seventh stage- majority of man and society always follow the winner.
Eighth stage- majority sing the song in the praise of winner and connects his win or success to the blessings of god. The winner accepts the discrimination among human being on various grounds like caste, creed, race, sect, gender, nationality, religion, power; money…….to maintain, protect and enhance their empire) here the circle completes which is continuously destructing the delicate balance of man society and environment over the centuries.
Bounded intelligence a root cause of all the problems of human kind has spontaneous potential to keep the vicious circles alive in all the sphere of life. The vicious circles originate when greed and fear starts going out of proportion and complete their cycles when the success and win is connected to the blessings of god. Various vicious circles have great potential to convert the vibrant whole into shrinking whole.
When you start blaming others that time you are trapped in process, which takes you away from the hidden reality of the reproduction system of various kind of evils and problems of human being.
In the vicious circles, which are created by bounded intelligence, truth and humanity is always a loser but power and shrewdness is always winner. The cultures guided by bounded intelligence always show the victory of power, based on half-truth as a victory of truth. In this scenario evils gets the immediate protections and support of the dominant forces and enhance their power and empire but the virtues are either left stranded or assured to be winner in the near future.
TRUTH ALWAYS WINS (SATYAMEV JAYATE) is prime deception of the world ruled by bounded intelligence; in reality, a power and shrewdness always win.
Bounded intelligence has created lot of problems like superstitions, stress, tensions, despair, hate, jealousy, distrust, alienation, conflicts, ……in the internal world and poverty, slums, hunger, malnutrition, recessions, depressions, corruption, cultural and sub-cultural riots, terrorism, war…..in the external world of human kind but it has no solution to them. Never forget the man made external world and internal world are the projection of each other and god will never to solve problems of man and society. However, thanks to God who has blessed, only human being in the entire universe with eternal curiosity and eternal love to develop, grow and enrich the God made evolutionary whole.
But in the name of solution, bounded intelligence starts teaching you how to live with the problems. It has been continuously loading your mind with various kind of information and dodging tricks or techniques that kill your spontaneous curiosity and make you a bundle of memories to become your guide, as most of the problems are coming out of the bundle of memories that’s why the bounded intelligence has no potential to face and fade these problems. It always suggests living with these problems or don’t looking at them, looking only at the brighter aspects of your life, this approach is escapist that put all the garbage under the carpet instead of cleaning it out. It is a blunder to neglect the dark aspects of the life of man and society and focus only at the bright aspects. It is a very truth known to everybody that if you ignore your disease you would surely ruin your health.
You cannot compel or motivate the people to choose morality over utility in the present feel patterns and thought patterns. These patterns has been created, reproduced and transmitted to new generations by the cultures, guided and ruled by bounded intelligence. The people are bound to fulfill their needs at the cost of morality to maintain their survival.
Let me explain how the bounded intelligence keeps the man and society helpless and hopeless by the example of corruption. Most of the People in the democracy do not know the size of corruption; they are able to see is only a tip of the iceberg.
Most of the People in the democracy do not know that how the corrupt system suck most of their money, time and energy, compare to the criminals, damaging the public wealth without the protection of government.
According to one study Indian police takes bribe of 4000 crores,
But one person named Raju of satyam can suck 10000 crores.
A recent Telecom license and spectrum scandal has caused the loss of 22 thousand crores to the nation.
Now you can easily imagine how the corruption inside the system and the corruption under the protection of system paralyze the internal as well as external world of human kind and blunt the extreme potential of human being.
Get awake, the iron rule of bounded intelligence is continuously emptying the inner and external world of human kind.
The greatest question before the human intelligence is how to upgrade the thought patterns to make new efficient and dynamic cultures?The present cultures and ideologies are not assuring the man and society for the better future.So now, it is a duty and responsibility of super minds and youth to get ready for making new culture by learning from old cultures.
Undoubtedly, you can see the corruption less and discrimination free man and society.
However, the first and last condition is that you should have faith in human beings an eternal source of holistic energy, blessed with eternal intelligence and eternal love by great God.
To realize an evolutionary growth everywhere you have to become a man with eternal intelligence, a bounded intelligence does not let you a true human being an eternal source of holistic energy. Owing to bounded intelligence our political, religious and business gurus do not want us to get awake and don’t let us to become a true human being but keep all of us as broken pieces of the whole mirror.
True change can comes only from the space where external world and internal world lost there divisions. That time human being become a true piece of eternity in finite shape with enormous love and enormous intelligence able to shatter all the illusions and myths exists in feel pattern and thought patterns of every human being in scientific manner.
Majority of people can never initiate change.
Change always initiated by minority of super minds and majority follows them.
Do not wait that all of us will do the change; truth is that very few of us would bring the change in faulty thought patterns and feel patterns. These fake patterns have enormous capacity to bound the mind and intelligence of human being and make him tool in the hands of vested interest groups.
I am sure that human being has the enormous capacity to devise new thought patterns capable enough to expose the hidden self interests of fake religious gurus, spiritual gurus, management gurus, and political leaders of the world in the ideological shield of faulty thought patterns.
The day you will realize the great potential of human being and would march ahead to become a true human being all the empire of these fake gurus would crumble to pieces. Moreover, a great new culture would evolve on the foundation of eternal potentials of human being.
The first task before the super minds of the world is to stop the decaying process of whole by using eternal intelligence and then make the strategies for the evolutionary development of it giving full freedom to human intelligence to design the new norms, values and institutions to enhance the harmony among man, society and environment.
O great human being -
Come out from the utopian hopes of bounded intelligence and enjoy the realistic hopes of eternal intelligence,
Come out from the illusions of fragments and enjoy the splendor of evolutionary whole,
Come out from the fake actions of bounded intelligence and tune the real action of eternal intelligence to the god made evolutionary whole.
It is must for man and society to be aware that-
How the vicious circles are formed and perpetuated by bounded intelligence. It can be understood by going through the different stages given below-
First stage- bounded intelligence legitimates the discrimination among human being.
Second stage- accepts the deprivations in internal world and external world.
Third stage- recognizes the conflicts as a part and parcel of human being.
Fourth stage –divide the human being in good and bad category.
Fifth stage – kill and prison the bad human being in fake hope that world would become a better place to live.
Sixth stage- power and money plays a decisive role in deciding, whom the bad is.
Seventh stage- majority of man and society always follow the winner.
Eighth stage- majority sing the song in the praise of winner and connects his win or success to the blessings of god. The winner accepts the discrimination among human being on various grounds like caste, creed, race, sect, gender, nationality, religion, power; money…….to maintain, protect and enhance their empire) here the circle completes which is continuously destructing the delicate balance of man society and environment over the centuries.
Bounded intelligence a root cause of all the problems of human kind has spontaneous potential to keep the vicious circles alive in all the sphere of life. The vicious circles originate when greed and fear starts going out of proportion and complete their cycles when the success and win is connected to the blessings of god. Various vicious circles have great potential to convert the vibrant whole into shrinking whole.
When you start blaming others that time you are trapped in process, which takes you away from the hidden reality of the reproduction system of various kind of evils and problems of human being.
In the vicious circles, which are created by bounded intelligence, truth and humanity is always a loser but power and shrewdness is always winner. The cultures guided by bounded intelligence always show the victory of power, based on half-truth as a victory of truth. In this scenario evils gets the immediate protections and support of the dominant forces and enhance their power and empire but the virtues are either left stranded or assured to be winner in the near future.
TRUTH ALWAYS WINS (SATYAMEV JAYATE) is prime deception of the world ruled by bounded intelligence; in reality, a power and shrewdness always win.
Bounded intelligence has created lot of problems like superstitions, stress, tensions, despair, hate, jealousy, distrust, alienation, conflicts, ……in the internal world and poverty, slums, hunger, malnutrition, recessions, depressions, corruption, cultural and sub-cultural riots, terrorism, war…..in the external world of human kind but it has no solution to them. Never forget the man made external world and internal world are the projection of each other and god will never to solve problems of man and society. However, thanks to God who has blessed, only human being in the entire universe with eternal curiosity and eternal love to develop, grow and enrich the God made evolutionary whole.
But in the name of solution, bounded intelligence starts teaching you how to live with the problems. It has been continuously loading your mind with various kind of information and dodging tricks or techniques that kill your spontaneous curiosity and make you a bundle of memories to become your guide, as most of the problems are coming out of the bundle of memories that’s why the bounded intelligence has no potential to face and fade these problems. It always suggests living with these problems or don’t looking at them, looking only at the brighter aspects of your life, this approach is escapist that put all the garbage under the carpet instead of cleaning it out. It is a blunder to neglect the dark aspects of the life of man and society and focus only at the bright aspects. It is a very truth known to everybody that if you ignore your disease you would surely ruin your health.
You cannot compel or motivate the people to choose morality over utility in the present feel patterns and thought patterns. These patterns has been created, reproduced and transmitted to new generations by the cultures, guided and ruled by bounded intelligence. The people are bound to fulfill their needs at the cost of morality to maintain their survival.
Let me explain how the bounded intelligence keeps the man and society helpless and hopeless by the example of corruption. Most of the People in the democracy do not know the size of corruption; they are able to see is only a tip of the iceberg.
Most of the People in the democracy do not know that how the corrupt system suck most of their money, time and energy, compare to the criminals, damaging the public wealth without the protection of government.
According to one study Indian police takes bribe of 4000 crores,
But one person named Raju of satyam can suck 10000 crores.
A recent Telecom license and spectrum scandal has caused the loss of 22 thousand crores to the nation.
Now you can easily imagine how the corruption inside the system and the corruption under the protection of system paralyze the internal as well as external world of human kind and blunt the extreme potential of human being.
Get awake, the iron rule of bounded intelligence is continuously emptying the inner and external world of human kind.
The greatest question before the human intelligence is how to upgrade the thought patterns to make new efficient and dynamic cultures?The present cultures and ideologies are not assuring the man and society for the better future.So now, it is a duty and responsibility of super minds and youth to get ready for making new culture by learning from old cultures.
Undoubtedly, you can see the corruption less and discrimination free man and society.
However, the first and last condition is that you should have faith in human beings an eternal source of holistic energy, blessed with eternal intelligence and eternal love by great God.
To realize an evolutionary growth everywhere you have to become a man with eternal intelligence, a bounded intelligence does not let you a true human being an eternal source of holistic energy. Owing to bounded intelligence our political, religious and business gurus do not want us to get awake and don’t let us to become a true human being but keep all of us as broken pieces of the whole mirror.
True change can comes only from the space where external world and internal world lost there divisions. That time human being become a true piece of eternity in finite shape with enormous love and enormous intelligence able to shatter all the illusions and myths exists in feel pattern and thought patterns of every human being in scientific manner.
Majority of people can never initiate change.
Change always initiated by minority of super minds and majority follows them.
Do not wait that all of us will do the change; truth is that very few of us would bring the change in faulty thought patterns and feel patterns. These fake patterns have enormous capacity to bound the mind and intelligence of human being and make him tool in the hands of vested interest groups.
I am sure that human being has the enormous capacity to devise new thought patterns capable enough to expose the hidden self interests of fake religious gurus, spiritual gurus, management gurus, and political leaders of the world in the ideological shield of faulty thought patterns.
The day you will realize the great potential of human being and would march ahead to become a true human being all the empire of these fake gurus would crumble to pieces. Moreover, a great new culture would evolve on the foundation of eternal potentials of human being.
The first task before the super minds of the world is to stop the decaying process of whole by using eternal intelligence and then make the strategies for the evolutionary development of it giving full freedom to human intelligence to design the new norms, values and institutions to enhance the harmony among man, society and environment.
O great human being -
Come out from the utopian hopes of bounded intelligence and enjoy the realistic hopes of eternal intelligence,
Come out from the illusions of fragments and enjoy the splendor of evolutionary whole,
Come out from the fake actions of bounded intelligence and tune the real action of eternal intelligence to the god made evolutionary whole.
Friday, October 23, 2009
God never discriminate but showers his love and curse in an unbiased manner .Greatest boon of the God to human being is that he has blessed him with eternal curiosity and love to get the guidance from the God but man has chosen their fear and greed to be their guide.
Sins and virtues are man made God has no interest in his subjective comprehensions of morals that men change from time to time just to hide their vested interest in ideological shields.
God the great ruler of the universe follows the rules of eternal truth very objectively in shaping the evolutionary process.
One can understand that the position of our planet on cosmic scale is negligible.
God exists but no body has faith upon him .that`s why nobody has courage to move ahead on the path of truth and justice. All the Hippocrates of the world wants to prove his existence just to protect their self interests but not to receive power to establish the rule of truth and justice in the inner world and external world.
God always give pains and profound love to every body without discrimination.
But sufferings and artificial pleasure are man made and man distributes them with discrimination.
The differences between God and you are -
He is eternal you are mortal.
God the eternal power build the whole and reshape the whole in full diversity. But you build the isolated fragments and reshape the isolated fragments at the cost of whole.
God is a great creator of the true self and infinite surroundings for the perpetuation of holistic life. you are great destroyer of the self and the surroundings.
Go deep within and out in the surroundings with sensitivity and then ask a question from yourself you are a true disciple of God or an evil in the skin of god believers!
You are a cancer of a planet or a helping hand of God!
You always take the care and mercy of god for granted without knowing the simple truth that God is helpless if you are adamant to cut the branch on which you sit, if you are adamant to kill the planet on which you live.
Whole world should listen again the old saying,
"God help those who help themselves"
One should have at least this much sense to differentiate between true faith and fake faith.
Faith is must because it comes from eternity.
But when you use this faith for the sake of senseless fears and greed’s it becomes a poison for a whole.
That’s what the human kind is doing in the name of faith .
Truth is that we are not faithful to god we are truly devoted to ourselves interest.
We are true Hippocrates in the skin of god believers.
God cannot be personalized like all other possessions. Because he is eternal he is available everywhere
But if any one says that he listens and responds to you individually he is a liar .
You go to the temple but do not have courage to step forward on the path of truth and justice.
You light the candle in the temple but never crave to enlighten your mind.
You open your heart and offer many things to god but never open your heart and intelligence to offer the fruits of development to the deprived sections maintaining their dignity and using their potential in true sense.
You worship the god you have designed to protect your self interests but never go ahead to discover the God who has designed the entire universe and you also.
Alas! Most of the People are true Hippocrates and not have courage to become truly faithful to God to go forward on the path of truth and justice.
But always wants his protection hiding themselves in the skin of fake spiritualism.
Sins and virtues are man made God has no interest in his subjective comprehensions of morals that men change from time to time just to hide their vested interest in ideological shields.
God the great ruler of the universe follows the rules of eternal truth very objectively in shaping the evolutionary process.
One can understand that the position of our planet on cosmic scale is negligible.
God exists but no body has faith upon him .that`s why nobody has courage to move ahead on the path of truth and justice. All the Hippocrates of the world wants to prove his existence just to protect their self interests but not to receive power to establish the rule of truth and justice in the inner world and external world.
God always give pains and profound love to every body without discrimination.
But sufferings and artificial pleasure are man made and man distributes them with discrimination.
The differences between God and you are -
He is eternal you are mortal.
God the eternal power build the whole and reshape the whole in full diversity. But you build the isolated fragments and reshape the isolated fragments at the cost of whole.
God is a great creator of the true self and infinite surroundings for the perpetuation of holistic life. you are great destroyer of the self and the surroundings.
Go deep within and out in the surroundings with sensitivity and then ask a question from yourself you are a true disciple of God or an evil in the skin of god believers!
You are a cancer of a planet or a helping hand of God!
You always take the care and mercy of god for granted without knowing the simple truth that God is helpless if you are adamant to cut the branch on which you sit, if you are adamant to kill the planet on which you live.
Whole world should listen again the old saying,
"God help those who help themselves"
One should have at least this much sense to differentiate between true faith and fake faith.
Faith is must because it comes from eternity.
But when you use this faith for the sake of senseless fears and greed’s it becomes a poison for a whole.
That’s what the human kind is doing in the name of faith .
Truth is that we are not faithful to god we are truly devoted to ourselves interest.
We are true Hippocrates in the skin of god believers.
God cannot be personalized like all other possessions. Because he is eternal he is available everywhere
But if any one says that he listens and responds to you individually he is a liar .
You go to the temple but do not have courage to step forward on the path of truth and justice.
You light the candle in the temple but never crave to enlighten your mind.
You open your heart and offer many things to god but never open your heart and intelligence to offer the fruits of development to the deprived sections maintaining their dignity and using their potential in true sense.
You worship the god you have designed to protect your self interests but never go ahead to discover the God who has designed the entire universe and you also.
Alas! Most of the People are true Hippocrates and not have courage to become truly faithful to God to go forward on the path of truth and justice.
But always wants his protection hiding themselves in the skin of fake spiritualism.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Arthshastra was written specially for rulers to make them able to ruthlessly consolidate and expand their rule all over in their surroundings.
But the stories of panchtantra are the folk tales of medieval period. Those are being told even in the modern period
Both the books advise the readers that don’t be superstitious in the name of god or the rituals but use them as a tool to exploit the superstitious community to enhance your acceptability as a leader in them.
Both the books are nice piece of work to understand the hold and acceptance of bounded intelligence, in the whole world.
Writers of both the books don’t have the vision about the finite resources of the planet
Writers of both the books show that any thing can be sacrificed for the sake of self interest.
Both the books develop the vision that success is ultimate and should be achieved at any cost.
Both the books trains and condition the human intelligence to play all the outrageous games in the mask of divine power or in the mask of truth and justice for all.
These books establish the fact that violence is must to get the solutions, and for all the evils, isolated men can be held responsible, and to maintain the peace they must be executed
Both the books make the man able, to efficiently manage the continuously fighting fragments, to write his own success story at the cost of whole.
These books don’t focus on the genesis of evils, to find out the lasting solutions for the humanity
In the light of eternal intelligence these books are very good piece of work for ambitious but bounded minds, in the world where the majority supports the norms and values of bounded intelligence, to get astounding success at the cost of whole (just like termites )
These books have enough potential to empty the inner world and external world of human kind and have no ability to develop the fruitful, vibrant, give and take relationship among the fragments and the whole.
So ultimately the norms and values of these books can’t help human kind to find out the lasting solutions for his very typical and multifaceted problems
In the light of eternal intelligence, the point of views of these books for modern world, that is equipped with enormous destructive powers, are just like knives in the hand of monkeys
Now Modern world should get aware that it has lot of poison in their thought patterns and feel patterns, supported by their cultures
21st century desperately requires the new knowledge to find out the lasting solutions to the problems modern world.
So the super minds of the world should come ahead and take up the responsibility to reduce the strength of poison present in the different cultures of the world and pave the way to new vibrant culture that can develop and maintain the basic principle of give and take for the longevity of whole.
And make the human kind able to leave the fruitful heritage for the generations to come .
But the stories of panchtantra are the folk tales of medieval period. Those are being told even in the modern period
Both the books advise the readers that don’t be superstitious in the name of god or the rituals but use them as a tool to exploit the superstitious community to enhance your acceptability as a leader in them.
Both the books are nice piece of work to understand the hold and acceptance of bounded intelligence, in the whole world.
Writers of both the books don’t have the vision about the finite resources of the planet
Writers of both the books show that any thing can be sacrificed for the sake of self interest.
Both the books develop the vision that success is ultimate and should be achieved at any cost.
Both the books trains and condition the human intelligence to play all the outrageous games in the mask of divine power or in the mask of truth and justice for all.
These books establish the fact that violence is must to get the solutions, and for all the evils, isolated men can be held responsible, and to maintain the peace they must be executed
Both the books make the man able, to efficiently manage the continuously fighting fragments, to write his own success story at the cost of whole.
These books don’t focus on the genesis of evils, to find out the lasting solutions for the humanity
In the light of eternal intelligence these books are very good piece of work for ambitious but bounded minds, in the world where the majority supports the norms and values of bounded intelligence, to get astounding success at the cost of whole (just like termites )
These books have enough potential to empty the inner world and external world of human kind and have no ability to develop the fruitful, vibrant, give and take relationship among the fragments and the whole.
So ultimately the norms and values of these books can’t help human kind to find out the lasting solutions for his very typical and multifaceted problems
In the light of eternal intelligence, the point of views of these books for modern world, that is equipped with enormous destructive powers, are just like knives in the hand of monkeys
Now Modern world should get aware that it has lot of poison in their thought patterns and feel patterns, supported by their cultures
21st century desperately requires the new knowledge to find out the lasting solutions to the problems modern world.
So the super minds of the world should come ahead and take up the responsibility to reduce the strength of poison present in the different cultures of the world and pave the way to new vibrant culture that can develop and maintain the basic principle of give and take for the longevity of whole.
And make the human kind able to leave the fruitful heritage for the generations to come .
Friday, October 16, 2009
Where there is no leadership the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)” Bible quotes
Above quote has born in the mind that is working in the world of bounded intelligence but has the empty ideal to safe the world. And would-
In the absence of leadership followers want their recognition in the society. And starts using the static wealth of knowledge (that is bound to decay in the world of bounded intelligence) left by the great leaders.
Firstly they put fear of fall in the mind of man and society and then conditioned them for safety .And blunt the possibilities for new leadership to emerge to take the man and society ahead from the point where the great leader has left the society.
The followers or the counselors make the late leader something like god and become his disciples to get the throne of counselors to enjoy the legitimacy given to them by the society in the absence of true leadership
These counselor can be compared with the so-called modern democrats they always shun the new knowledge and protect their power by banning the new knowledge to emerge in the name of culture ,in the name of maintaining law and order ,their schooling ,preaching, earning, and ruling patterns blunt all the possibilities for the emergence of new thought patterns .
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”- Bible quotes
It also means that world that is ruled by the rich would never become a kingdom of God so all the poor’s condition themselves to live in miseries in the hope that they would enjoy the fruits in the other utopian world of God.This is the thought that appears good for the people who are engulfed by bounded intelligence, well conditioned to enjoy the bounded intelligence. This thought has the potential to maintain the fake peace in the world that is full of disparities and deprivations without developing the time-bound blueprint to assure the human dignity to every person living in the world .Above quote make the environment suitable for the Hippocrates to rule the world without accountability to the deprived sections.And don’t support the environment to go ahead to find out new thought patterns that have inbuilt capacity to expose the Hippocrates any where any time .
This world has always been ruled by bounded intelligence it can be proved by the fact that
The true leaders has always been compelled to start their journey from the starting point bounded intelligence has never given them the opportunity to start from the point where the true leader has left the world
As swami vivekanand said
When you go on the path of truth man and society ridicule you, reject you and in the last accept you
It always happens with the true leaders because the bounded intelligence is capable enough to keep the eyes of man and society shut for eternal truth and keep the eyes wide open for their self interest ignoring the fact that their isolated success is always the scare in the eyes of other and is a greatest source of internal and external conflicts. That continuously sucks the energies of man and society. And turn it into a black hole or shrinking whole
Here I would like to say that the whole world is bound to be ruled by bounded intelligence till it not prepares his mind to apply the scientific outlooks or holistic outlook on their faiths, belief, hopes ideas, thoughts, and ideologies.
I assure the whole world don’t afraid in using the scientific and holistic outlooks in your daily life in the last you would get greatest gift of the God that would have the correct thought patterns where the Hippocrates would not survive and the emergence of the true leadership would become a process.
Above quote has born in the mind that is working in the world of bounded intelligence but has the empty ideal to safe the world. And would-
In the absence of leadership followers want their recognition in the society. And starts using the static wealth of knowledge (that is bound to decay in the world of bounded intelligence) left by the great leaders.
Firstly they put fear of fall in the mind of man and society and then conditioned them for safety .And blunt the possibilities for new leadership to emerge to take the man and society ahead from the point where the great leader has left the society.
The followers or the counselors make the late leader something like god and become his disciples to get the throne of counselors to enjoy the legitimacy given to them by the society in the absence of true leadership
These counselor can be compared with the so-called modern democrats they always shun the new knowledge and protect their power by banning the new knowledge to emerge in the name of culture ,in the name of maintaining law and order ,their schooling ,preaching, earning, and ruling patterns blunt all the possibilities for the emergence of new thought patterns .
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”- Bible quotes
It also means that world that is ruled by the rich would never become a kingdom of God so all the poor’s condition themselves to live in miseries in the hope that they would enjoy the fruits in the other utopian world of God.This is the thought that appears good for the people who are engulfed by bounded intelligence, well conditioned to enjoy the bounded intelligence. This thought has the potential to maintain the fake peace in the world that is full of disparities and deprivations without developing the time-bound blueprint to assure the human dignity to every person living in the world .Above quote make the environment suitable for the Hippocrates to rule the world without accountability to the deprived sections.And don’t support the environment to go ahead to find out new thought patterns that have inbuilt capacity to expose the Hippocrates any where any time .
This world has always been ruled by bounded intelligence it can be proved by the fact that
The true leaders has always been compelled to start their journey from the starting point bounded intelligence has never given them the opportunity to start from the point where the true leader has left the world
As swami vivekanand said
When you go on the path of truth man and society ridicule you, reject you and in the last accept you
It always happens with the true leaders because the bounded intelligence is capable enough to keep the eyes of man and society shut for eternal truth and keep the eyes wide open for their self interest ignoring the fact that their isolated success is always the scare in the eyes of other and is a greatest source of internal and external conflicts. That continuously sucks the energies of man and society. And turn it into a black hole or shrinking whole
Here I would like to say that the whole world is bound to be ruled by bounded intelligence till it not prepares his mind to apply the scientific outlooks or holistic outlook on their faiths, belief, hopes ideas, thoughts, and ideologies.
I assure the whole world don’t afraid in using the scientific and holistic outlooks in your daily life in the last you would get greatest gift of the God that would have the correct thought patterns where the Hippocrates would not survive and the emergence of the true leadership would become a process.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The man who is trapped in bounded intelligence and also considered as an intellectual leader in the mainstream of the present world will answer it in the words given below-
"I would like to be predictable for my own fragment ( sect, organization, institution....) to gain the faith of it and to assure it, ,just to make my credibility and leadership undisputable in the fragment.
but for other fragments I would like to be unpredictable to protect my secrets to gain and maintain the supremacy of my fragment on other fragments,at any cost.
The man with bounded intelligence is bound to sacrifice the truth for the realization of his fragmented goals ,this is a continuous process that is destroying the whole or the harmony of man , society and environment.
For the sake of his distorted self he is bound to wear different mask at different point of times.
Man with bounded intelligence can live in the illusion that he can remain unpredictable for others.
But before the man with eternal intelligence he is always predictable because eternal intelligence knows that bounded intelligence is always a poison for whole.
Now let me take up the case of man with eternal intelligence -
Man with eternal intelligence is always predictable for everybody because he lives wholesome life,he never breaks the rules of eternal truth,he is self disciplined and being a tool in the hands of god (eternal truth) spontaneously works for the sake of human being,society and environment in a holistic way .
But as eternal truth has kept the inbuilt element of uncertainty in designing the order of events, (without disturbing the holistic process) by taking a clue from here bounded intelligence can deliberately or ignorantly mistake him as unpredictable.
But the truth is that eternal intelligence has no need to wear the mask and has inbuilt mechanism to unmask the distorted selves any where in the world.
Now let me take up the case of me
"once human mind stretched to eternal intelligence he can never goes back to the original dimensions of bounded intelligence"
So my answer to this question is that-
I am always predictable for everybody in terms of process.
"I would like to be predictable for my own fragment ( sect, organization, institution....) to gain the faith of it and to assure it, ,just to make my credibility and leadership undisputable in the fragment.
but for other fragments I would like to be unpredictable to protect my secrets to gain and maintain the supremacy of my fragment on other fragments,at any cost.
The man with bounded intelligence is bound to sacrifice the truth for the realization of his fragmented goals ,this is a continuous process that is destroying the whole or the harmony of man , society and environment.
For the sake of his distorted self he is bound to wear different mask at different point of times.
Man with bounded intelligence can live in the illusion that he can remain unpredictable for others.
But before the man with eternal intelligence he is always predictable because eternal intelligence knows that bounded intelligence is always a poison for whole.
Now let me take up the case of man with eternal intelligence -
Man with eternal intelligence is always predictable for everybody because he lives wholesome life,he never breaks the rules of eternal truth,he is self disciplined and being a tool in the hands of god (eternal truth) spontaneously works for the sake of human being,society and environment in a holistic way .
But as eternal truth has kept the inbuilt element of uncertainty in designing the order of events, (without disturbing the holistic process) by taking a clue from here bounded intelligence can deliberately or ignorantly mistake him as unpredictable.
But the truth is that eternal intelligence has no need to wear the mask and has inbuilt mechanism to unmask the distorted selves any where in the world.
Now let me take up the case of me
"once human mind stretched to eternal intelligence he can never goes back to the original dimensions of bounded intelligence"
So my answer to this question is that-
I am always predictable for everybody in terms of process.
Most of us are just like the small fishes in the ocean don`t know the value of their surroundings, take birth and die without having the knowledge, how the surroundings are essential for their life, and significant for the perpetuation of life .
But fishes has liberty to do so because they can`t hurt the surroundings so the delicate balance between the fishes and the surroundings spontaneously maintained.
But the man can’t enjoy this liberty for long.
The human kind is eating the resources of this planet in much faster pace then the pace of planet to reproduce them again.
it is really going to be horrible for the generations to come.
Widespread disparity, uncontrolled population growth, and greed for conspicuous consumptions, multiplied with extinction of various kind of flora and fauna, and continuously increasing threats to life supporting cycles of mother nature is going to be a greatest challenge before human kind to protect and perpetuate the life in a peaceful manner in the years to come.
Green house effect, Global warming, Depletion of ozone layer and Melting of ice cover of the planet are the symptoms that are posing threats for the life at the planet.
Above mentioned problem is the greatest problem or riddle which is gradually developing to pose a greatest challenge before human intelligence.
Though this problem has been generated by isolated fragments, in that human being are well conditioned to live .but the problem has taken the global shape so the solution would be global.
Here the question arise how these isolated fragments would be able to reach a amicable solution when their thought patterns are still following the process of fragmentation. They are only wearing the mask of unity but in reality living with deep rooted conflicts.
Human race is now getting ready for another kind of great disorder in the world.
The first and second world war took place in the world history because of the insatiable greed of the concerned fragments to gain as much as they can.
Now the fearful isolated fragments have started thinking safe and secure their fragment as much as they can.
Global problems can never be solved in the framework of fragments, human kind must understand it as early as possible.
In place of dancing with the celebrities or highlighting them, super minds should start pondering with human kind and address the great questions before the humanity.
The quest for the new knowledge and thought patterns must be on that can tackle the problems holistically to bring about the peaceful and amicable solutions.
In this scenario it is must for human kind to be wise enough to get ready to sacrifice every thing for the sake of truth.Only then human intelligence would be able to discover the new thought patterns in the light of truth for holistic survival of life on this planet.
But fishes has liberty to do so because they can`t hurt the surroundings so the delicate balance between the fishes and the surroundings spontaneously maintained.
But the man can’t enjoy this liberty for long.
The human kind is eating the resources of this planet in much faster pace then the pace of planet to reproduce them again.
it is really going to be horrible for the generations to come.
Widespread disparity, uncontrolled population growth, and greed for conspicuous consumptions, multiplied with extinction of various kind of flora and fauna, and continuously increasing threats to life supporting cycles of mother nature is going to be a greatest challenge before human kind to protect and perpetuate the life in a peaceful manner in the years to come.
Green house effect, Global warming, Depletion of ozone layer and Melting of ice cover of the planet are the symptoms that are posing threats for the life at the planet.
Above mentioned problem is the greatest problem or riddle which is gradually developing to pose a greatest challenge before human intelligence.
Though this problem has been generated by isolated fragments, in that human being are well conditioned to live .but the problem has taken the global shape so the solution would be global.
Here the question arise how these isolated fragments would be able to reach a amicable solution when their thought patterns are still following the process of fragmentation. They are only wearing the mask of unity but in reality living with deep rooted conflicts.
Human race is now getting ready for another kind of great disorder in the world.
The first and second world war took place in the world history because of the insatiable greed of the concerned fragments to gain as much as they can.
Now the fearful isolated fragments have started thinking safe and secure their fragment as much as they can.
Global problems can never be solved in the framework of fragments, human kind must understand it as early as possible.
In place of dancing with the celebrities or highlighting them, super minds should start pondering with human kind and address the great questions before the humanity.
The quest for the new knowledge and thought patterns must be on that can tackle the problems holistically to bring about the peaceful and amicable solutions.
In this scenario it is must for human kind to be wise enough to get ready to sacrifice every thing for the sake of truth.Only then human intelligence would be able to discover the new thought patterns in the light of truth for holistic survival of life on this planet.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Spontaneous self confidence and Significance of the eternity in human life.
Spontaneous self confidence is an integral part of the eternity present in human body.That never goes high in prosperity or low in adversity. And has ability to face any kind of situation with keen curiosity keeping the intelligence fully alive with cool mind.It is an escalating cyclic whole which you can realize but can never build.But no doubt you can imitate it.That’s what we are doing in the absence of correct thought patterns.
The problem here is that man has forgotten that he is a greatest intelligent design of God enriched with enormous eternity in finite shape. In the absence of correct thought patterns he is mere a bundle of memories now. A mere tool in the hand of bounded intelligence.
Owing to unawareness about the eternity inside the finite body we fails to understand the eternal potential we have that can place us in a space to bloom like an escalating whole.
The feel that connects you to the work you are doing and you forget yourself in the work. This feel generate the spontaneous self confidence. That makes you free from fears, greed and preconceptions.
Your performances that time become astounding. It is only spontaneous self confidence that make jinna,osho, sachin tendulker amitabh,lata mangeshker …) when these people do there work they completely lost themselves in their acts. In the absence of correct thought pattern
These people enjoy the spontaneous self confidence in pieces. There is always the possibility that they feel very low in some situations .There are lot of example when celebrities commits the suicide.
So it is must for the whole world to know what the real self confidence is, what the eternity is ,and what the great role it can play in turning the history of human kind from shrinking whole to blooming whole.
In the present world when we have almost forgotten the eternity inside us. In the absence of correct thought pattern we are confused by present spiritual, or management gurus and they take us to the artificial meditation, artificial self confidence, artificial leadership qualities, and artificial management techniques, that are completely lacking spontaneous sensitivity, love and dignity of human being. These fake thought patterns make the human being instrument in the hand of insensitive institutions that exploit their potential in the booming period and kick them out in the adverse situations. These institutions are fair weather friends of human beings. Cannot handle the recession, depression, poverty, and hunger efficiently in terms of human dignity and human rights. Their performance charts are continuously revealing these cruel facts.
These institutions and thought patterns are flowers without fragrance that’s why I call them artificial flowers.
Once mark twain said, “If you are in a majority, it is a right time that you should start correcting yourself”.As far as human culture knows that in the entire universe Man is the only true piece of eternity in finite shape blessed with the quality to realize the eternal aspects of life.
Let me remind the whole world thathuman being is an eternal source of holistic energy .He is blessed with the eternal flowers of love, curiosity intelligence; confidence….God has blessed him with lot of eternal flowers in his finite body.But because all of us are trained by the insensitive cultures, we have to look at the things which are eternal in finite shapes.That’s why you always mistake in perceiving the eternal aspects of human being as a finite object, and start trying to build them like TV, car, dam etc.
Eternal aspects of human being can be discovered, revealed and can be realized but can never be build, or preserved like finite objects.In the absence of correct thought pattern eternal human intelligence very easily trapped in the wrong notions of insensitive intelligence that never wants him to become sensitive, and take advantage of you in the booming period and desert you in adverse situations.
Fragmented personalities feel artificially confident in the prosperity and feel low in the adversity.
Without realizing the eternal aspects you can only become the fragmented personality that cannot enjoy the wholesome personality .
But holistic personalities owing to eternity that has inbuilt nature to expand like universe,always enjoy the spontaneous self confidence to march ahead in any kind of situation. And has the ability to break every barrier that confines, and restricts eternal, infinite potential of human being.But as I mentioned earlier man has become a bundle of memories, deliberately or ignorantly he always restricts his eternal potential
.Let me take out one quote from the bundle of memories, man can do only those things about what he thinks.
Now it is up to human being that he should realize the eternity and expand like a universe or being a bundle of memories go to become a bonsai.
The problem here is that man has forgotten that he is a greatest intelligent design of God enriched with enormous eternity in finite shape. In the absence of correct thought patterns he is mere a bundle of memories now. A mere tool in the hand of bounded intelligence.
Owing to unawareness about the eternity inside the finite body we fails to understand the eternal potential we have that can place us in a space to bloom like an escalating whole.
The feel that connects you to the work you are doing and you forget yourself in the work. This feel generate the spontaneous self confidence. That makes you free from fears, greed and preconceptions.
Your performances that time become astounding. It is only spontaneous self confidence that make jinna,osho, sachin tendulker amitabh,lata mangeshker …) when these people do there work they completely lost themselves in their acts. In the absence of correct thought pattern
These people enjoy the spontaneous self confidence in pieces. There is always the possibility that they feel very low in some situations .There are lot of example when celebrities commits the suicide.
So it is must for the whole world to know what the real self confidence is, what the eternity is ,and what the great role it can play in turning the history of human kind from shrinking whole to blooming whole.
In the present world when we have almost forgotten the eternity inside us. In the absence of correct thought pattern we are confused by present spiritual, or management gurus and they take us to the artificial meditation, artificial self confidence, artificial leadership qualities, and artificial management techniques, that are completely lacking spontaneous sensitivity, love and dignity of human being. These fake thought patterns make the human being instrument in the hand of insensitive institutions that exploit their potential in the booming period and kick them out in the adverse situations. These institutions are fair weather friends of human beings. Cannot handle the recession, depression, poverty, and hunger efficiently in terms of human dignity and human rights. Their performance charts are continuously revealing these cruel facts.
These institutions and thought patterns are flowers without fragrance that’s why I call them artificial flowers.
Once mark twain said, “If you are in a majority, it is a right time that you should start correcting yourself”.As far as human culture knows that in the entire universe Man is the only true piece of eternity in finite shape blessed with the quality to realize the eternal aspects of life.
Let me remind the whole world thathuman being is an eternal source of holistic energy .He is blessed with the eternal flowers of love, curiosity intelligence; confidence….God has blessed him with lot of eternal flowers in his finite body.But because all of us are trained by the insensitive cultures, we have to look at the things which are eternal in finite shapes.That’s why you always mistake in perceiving the eternal aspects of human being as a finite object, and start trying to build them like TV, car, dam etc.
Eternal aspects of human being can be discovered, revealed and can be realized but can never be build, or preserved like finite objects.In the absence of correct thought pattern eternal human intelligence very easily trapped in the wrong notions of insensitive intelligence that never wants him to become sensitive, and take advantage of you in the booming period and desert you in adverse situations.
Fragmented personalities feel artificially confident in the prosperity and feel low in the adversity.
Without realizing the eternal aspects you can only become the fragmented personality that cannot enjoy the wholesome personality .
But holistic personalities owing to eternity that has inbuilt nature to expand like universe,always enjoy the spontaneous self confidence to march ahead in any kind of situation. And has the ability to break every barrier that confines, and restricts eternal, infinite potential of human being.But as I mentioned earlier man has become a bundle of memories, deliberately or ignorantly he always restricts his eternal potential
.Let me take out one quote from the bundle of memories, man can do only those things about what he thinks.
Now it is up to human being that he should realize the eternity and expand like a universe or being a bundle of memories go to become a bonsai.
Monday, October 5, 2009
“evil is equally important” But the great question before human intelligence is in how much strength the evils are required.
Let me explain with the help of exampleIn human body doctor inject weak microbes to make your immunity stronger against the diseases. After that we can see human being can enjoy the good health.
Bounded intelligence always failed to answer this question, that’s why it has no practical thought pattern to keep the evils in their limit that is essential to flourish the humanity. And you see every where evils are growing out of proportion .But bounded intelligence provide safety cocoon for the fake leaders, managers, spiritual gurus to enjoy comfort zone, and also provide ideological shield to efficiently hide the insensitive self interest of powerful fragments .This ideological shield make the powerful fragment able to enjoy at the cost of whole and direct the whole towards destruction Bounded intelligence does not have the quality to develop the thought pattern to limit the evils in their boundaries because in the end it always become the victim of evils and start generating evils in other forms . that’s why the eternal intelligence is required because it has inbuilt capacity and insight to create spontaneously the thought patterns that can make the system, capable to keep the evils in their required limit,without giving them opportunities to grow out of proportion.
Let me explain with the help of exampleIn human body doctor inject weak microbes to make your immunity stronger against the diseases. After that we can see human being can enjoy the good health.
Bounded intelligence always failed to answer this question, that’s why it has no practical thought pattern to keep the evils in their limit that is essential to flourish the humanity. And you see every where evils are growing out of proportion .But bounded intelligence provide safety cocoon for the fake leaders, managers, spiritual gurus to enjoy comfort zone, and also provide ideological shield to efficiently hide the insensitive self interest of powerful fragments .This ideological shield make the powerful fragment able to enjoy at the cost of whole and direct the whole towards destruction Bounded intelligence does not have the quality to develop the thought pattern to limit the evils in their boundaries because in the end it always become the victim of evils and start generating evils in other forms . that’s why the eternal intelligence is required because it has inbuilt capacity and insight to create spontaneously the thought patterns that can make the system, capable to keep the evils in their required limit,without giving them opportunities to grow out of proportion.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Love is an intrinsic quality of human being that is eternal, it never comes and goes. Once it is realized by human it is bound to bloom like an escalating whole to encompass the whole world. Its cycle can never go back. Love is like an eternal fragrance that can spread wider and wider, unable to confine in boundaries or in fragments.
Truth is that love has no opposites, but because love has been a very rarest of rare phenomenon in the history of human kind that`s why the spirit of the word` love’ has been robbed by the dominant cultures, people have forgotten the meaning of love and The word love degraded to the bottom.
The bonding between friends, husband and wife, parents and children is the product of affinity that is required to sustain the integral parts of the whole in the framework of whole and pave the way for the perpetuation of whole. Affinity is a basic instinct that is found in almost every living being. The love though exist in every human being but could not be discovered by humans due to the presence of affinity that always camouflage as love in the absence of true knowledge. The dominant culture has always been mistaken, affinity as love and do not know what the love is that’s why the human being an eternal source of holistic energy, don’t strive for it. It is a known fact that man can do what he thinks and understand. But due to unawareness about the love he fails to realize it.
Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi were the persons who in true sense realize the love and there love was not confined in boundaries and their love bloomed like an escalating whole.
If we sincerely understand the meaning of love and spread the meaning of love there is no doubt that in the coming years the man, an eternal source of holistic energy would strive to realize the love and the world would never starve for the persons like Gandhi, Jesus and Buddha.
Truth is that love has no opposites, but because love has been a very rarest of rare phenomenon in the history of human kind that`s why the spirit of the word` love’ has been robbed by the dominant cultures, people have forgotten the meaning of love and The word love degraded to the bottom.
The bonding between friends, husband and wife, parents and children is the product of affinity that is required to sustain the integral parts of the whole in the framework of whole and pave the way for the perpetuation of whole. Affinity is a basic instinct that is found in almost every living being. The love though exist in every human being but could not be discovered by humans due to the presence of affinity that always camouflage as love in the absence of true knowledge. The dominant culture has always been mistaken, affinity as love and do not know what the love is that’s why the human being an eternal source of holistic energy, don’t strive for it. It is a known fact that man can do what he thinks and understand. But due to unawareness about the love he fails to realize it.
Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi were the persons who in true sense realize the love and there love was not confined in boundaries and their love bloomed like an escalating whole.
If we sincerely understand the meaning of love and spread the meaning of love there is no doubt that in the coming years the man, an eternal source of holistic energy would strive to realize the love and the world would never starve for the persons like Gandhi, Jesus and Buddha.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Whole world should listen carefully
“Deprivations breeds when you start developing fragment at the cost of whole”
Continuous breeding of deprivations is not unfortunate, it is deliberate and persistent approach of so-called intellectuals, leaders, spiritual guru and management gurus that always focus on deprivations fragmentally but never sincerely look into the process that is continuously breeding it.
In the absence of correct thought pattern, process of development is fragmented. That is continuously breeding various kinds of deprivations in all spheres of human life spiritually as well as materialistically. Stress, depressions, alienations, Poverty hunger and slums are also few out of them that are no doubt the illegitimate yield of fragmented development processes.
Fake leaders of whole but the true leaders of the developed fragments of the world in reality always stress to feed poor’s, only to keep them alive without human dignity to get their labor at the cost they want to give them .They never think sincerely to devise the system that can change the framework of fragmented development to framework of holistic development.
Deprivations are not the problem but symptoms. To feed the hungry people is a short term measure or a pain killer but can never be a lasting solution or remedy. The problem lies in the process that breeds the deprivations persistently.
In the present world, human intelligence has to become serious as well as sensitive to stop the continuous breeding of deprivations in different sphere of life. No doubt the factual changes has taken the fragments of present civilization to new soaring heights but it will not survive for long if the intelligence continuously remain insensitive for the qualitative changes that are desperately required for the perpetuation of whole .
These problems will remain until the leading forces in the diverse sphere of life does not get ready to correct and up grade their thought patterns in the directions that creates harmony among man, society, and environment.
The solution is to change the strategy of fragmented development, (that means develop the fragment in the fragment for the fragment at the cost of whole), to the strategy of the holistic development, (that means develop the whole for the whole in the whole without destroying the whole.)
“Deprivations breeds when you start developing fragment at the cost of whole”
Continuous breeding of deprivations is not unfortunate, it is deliberate and persistent approach of so-called intellectuals, leaders, spiritual guru and management gurus that always focus on deprivations fragmentally but never sincerely look into the process that is continuously breeding it.
In the absence of correct thought pattern, process of development is fragmented. That is continuously breeding various kinds of deprivations in all spheres of human life spiritually as well as materialistically. Stress, depressions, alienations, Poverty hunger and slums are also few out of them that are no doubt the illegitimate yield of fragmented development processes.
Fake leaders of whole but the true leaders of the developed fragments of the world in reality always stress to feed poor’s, only to keep them alive without human dignity to get their labor at the cost they want to give them .They never think sincerely to devise the system that can change the framework of fragmented development to framework of holistic development.
Deprivations are not the problem but symptoms. To feed the hungry people is a short term measure or a pain killer but can never be a lasting solution or remedy. The problem lies in the process that breeds the deprivations persistently.
In the present world, human intelligence has to become serious as well as sensitive to stop the continuous breeding of deprivations in different sphere of life. No doubt the factual changes has taken the fragments of present civilization to new soaring heights but it will not survive for long if the intelligence continuously remain insensitive for the qualitative changes that are desperately required for the perpetuation of whole .
These problems will remain until the leading forces in the diverse sphere of life does not get ready to correct and up grade their thought patterns in the directions that creates harmony among man, society, and environment.
The solution is to change the strategy of fragmented development, (that means develop the fragment in the fragment for the fragment at the cost of whole), to the strategy of the holistic development, (that means develop the whole for the whole in the whole without destroying the whole.)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Do you think possessiveness is hindrance to love?
Love is like water in your open palm, it holds there till your palm is open. You can watch as you round your fingers to posses it. it spills out from the first crack it finds. Love dies under the possessiveness but grows when we serve each other as true human being. Because of possessiveness in every sphere of life around the world love has become rarest of rare phenomenon.Pseudo love can never take the place of true love.
possessiveness kills the love in its bud and don,t allow it to bloom
possessiveness kills the love in its bud and don,t allow it to bloom
The human mind once stretched by a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions”
This thought is the creation of a prominent US writer and physician, Oliver Wendell Holmes
Above idea can prove right in both directions,If you and entire world going in the TRUE directions, you and your civilization would grow in constructive manner without leaving any sign of deprivations. But if it is not so deprivations will suck the tremendous energy of the whole of man, society and environment and will take it to the point of no return.
This thought is the creation of a prominent US writer and physician, Oliver Wendell Holmes
Above idea can prove right in both directions,If you and entire world going in the TRUE directions, you and your civilization would grow in constructive manner without leaving any sign of deprivations. But if it is not so deprivations will suck the tremendous energy of the whole of man, society and environment and will take it to the point of no return.
1. Unanimous Definition of truth is still unknown.
2. Speak lies for good cause is nothing but an acceptable way to protect self interests.
3. Man and society are not enlightened to realize and use the truth for the sake of humanity.
4. If Political leaders, religious leaders and business leaders starts sharing the truth with public they will be beaten severely by public.
In the last I would like to share an idea-
“Gods of present societies are nothing but only the shadow or the illusion of truth "
1. Unanimous Definition of truth is still unknown.
2. Speak lies for good cause is nothing but an acceptable way to protect self interests.
3. Man and society are not enlightened to realize and use the truth for the sake of humanity.
4. If Political leaders, religious leaders and business leaders starts sharing the truth with public they will be beaten severely by public.
In the last I would like to share an idea-
“Gods of present societies are nothing but only the shadow or the illusion of truth "
How do you like one procedure manual incorporating all systems and processes?
One procedural way to incorporate all systems and processes is to fade away the divisions and promote the differentiations’ among fragments and their context.
Why the cultures always starve for personalities like Buddha Jesus and Gandhi?
In the world history you will find lot of destroyers but the builder like Buddha,Jesus,Gandhi,are very rare.
Who is responsible for this?
I think that
leading forces in disguise never likes such creative forces and misguide man and society in the skin of mainstream culture and exploit it to quench its insatiable thirst for power, money and ecstasy of so-called god, and always discourage and crush the tendencies that can show the way to humanity and lead to build the personalities like Buddha Jesus Gandhi .
Sensitivity towards the whole will starts producing the personalities like Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi. Over the centuries humanintelligence is focusing on the development of isolated fragments in the foolish hope that developed fragment will work for the development of whole.It is a myth that developed fragment is capable to work for the progress of whole .History of human kind shows and prove it. Developed fragment, the product of insensitive intelligence, has no insight or the scientific temprament to feel the danger of shrinking whole and not capable to realize that their fragmented solutions are adding more pain to injury, always fail to develop the strategies for the development of whole. In this alarming situation human intelligence has to upgrade its notions towards the whole and work hard to come out of the iron grip of insensitive outlook towards the whole. And tune the progress of whole with the progress of its different integral parts
Who is responsible for this?
I think that
leading forces in disguise never likes such creative forces and misguide man and society in the skin of mainstream culture and exploit it to quench its insatiable thirst for power, money and ecstasy of so-called god, and always discourage and crush the tendencies that can show the way to humanity and lead to build the personalities like Buddha Jesus Gandhi .
Sensitivity towards the whole will starts producing the personalities like Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi. Over the centuries humanintelligence is focusing on the development of isolated fragments in the foolish hope that developed fragment will work for the development of whole.It is a myth that developed fragment is capable to work for the progress of whole .History of human kind shows and prove it. Developed fragment, the product of insensitive intelligence, has no insight or the scientific temprament to feel the danger of shrinking whole and not capable to realize that their fragmented solutions are adding more pain to injury, always fail to develop the strategies for the development of whole. In this alarming situation human intelligence has to upgrade its notions towards the whole and work hard to come out of the iron grip of insensitive outlook towards the whole. And tune the progress of whole with the progress of its different integral parts
What is the key of happiness and how it could be achieved?
1. Realize what you are?
2. Sensitize your intelligence to discover your trueself.
3. Now go ahead to become what you are.The time when you become or realize what you are, you will become a spontaneous subject, reflecting your true and pure nature, the divisions between your emotions thoughts and actions will fade away .And wholesome happiness will become an integral part of your holistic personality.
So the key of happiness lies in the process where the fragment in which you live breaks all the boundaries and connect to the whole.
2. Sensitize your intelligence to discover your trueself.
3. Now go ahead to become what you are.The time when you become or realize what you are, you will become a spontaneous subject, reflecting your true and pure nature, the divisions between your emotions thoughts and actions will fade away .And wholesome happiness will become an integral part of your holistic personality.
So the key of happiness lies in the process where the fragment in which you live breaks all the boundaries and connect to the whole.
What does DEVELOPMENT exactly mean?
Development is a word that is undefined, once it is defined in a scientific manner present ideologies ruling this world will go bare and crumble to pieces.Definition of development for so called developed fragments is to enjoy, deliberately or ignorantly the bliss of so called god and crave for materialistic gains in terms of power and money at the cost of whole, leaving behind various kind of deprivations in the form of hunger, poverty,depressions, recessions ….For deprived fragments this so-called development is meaningless they are bound to live without human dignity.Present sense of development has very little significance for developed but certainly a torture to humanity.Development is not an event; it is an escalating cyclic process, triggered by true intelligence of man that grows on whole without leaving any sign of man made deprivations. True development always maintains the harmony among man, society and environment.
No, we do really not live for us .But we live for the fulfillment of our excessive greed and create enormous destructive power to protect us from fears. We are the only species that kills its own members brutally to find the solutions. We kill the humanity for the sake of humanity. We cut the branch on which we sit. We are termites eating all the natural resources without giving anything in return to maintain the various natural cycle essential for the survival of life.We are killing us day by day in both ways spiritually as well as materialistically under the guidance of so-called spiritual gurus and management gurus and political leaders. Which are master of creating artificial needs and giving success mantra to the individuals and organizations at the cost of whole.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Is it love ?
That is confined to me,
That stands on the pillars of my need.
That changes in the tune of my needs.
It comes in fragments and reduce to pieces.
It doesn`t showers me but i hold it.
As the time passes it becomes a burden .
That was lovable at sometime now turned troublesome.
It was greatly charming when it was away from my reach.
As my needs are fulfilled it becomes unattractive.
It is not love it is the pleasure that comes from the gratification of my greeds.
It is a joy that quench my cravings.
It is a desire that camouflage in different stages of life.
That stands on the pillars of my need.
That changes in the tune of my needs.
It comes in fragments and reduce to pieces.
It doesn`t showers me but i hold it.
As the time passes it becomes a burden .
That was lovable at sometime now turned troublesome.
It was greatly charming when it was away from my reach.
As my needs are fulfilled it becomes unattractive.
It is not love it is the pleasure that comes from the gratification of my greeds.
It is a joy that quench my cravings.
It is a desire that camouflage in different stages of life.
The pain of integral piece of eternal truth
When I came to this world
I was the true integral piece of eternal truth.
Later I came to know
When I entered to this world’s I was crying My mother and I were in pain.
When I came to my senses
I was flying in the eternal magnificence of this universe
I was hiding when I feel danger
I was exploring when I find something strange
I was toiling to catch beautiful thing
In the early year of my childhoodMy insight, dedication and action were divine
But as I grew young
I went away from the action of divine perception
Now I am an adult fully away from the truth
But engulfed with worldly ills and evils
That are strong enough to force me
To be away from the actions of divine perception.
O true infinite world of intelligence ignite
Remove the dirt of evilsAnd take me from fake actions to actions of divine perception.
I came to this world as a live integral piece of eternal truth.
I wish I would mingle in the eternal truth as an integral piece of truth
I was the true integral piece of eternal truth.
Later I came to know
When I entered to this world’s I was crying My mother and I were in pain.
When I came to my senses
I was flying in the eternal magnificence of this universe
I was hiding when I feel danger
I was exploring when I find something strange
I was toiling to catch beautiful thing
In the early year of my childhoodMy insight, dedication and action were divine
But as I grew young
I went away from the action of divine perception
Now I am an adult fully away from the truth
But engulfed with worldly ills and evils
That are strong enough to force me
To be away from the actions of divine perception.
O true infinite world of intelligence ignite
Remove the dirt of evilsAnd take me from fake actions to actions of divine perception.
I came to this world as a live integral piece of eternal truth.
I wish I would mingle in the eternal truth as an integral piece of truth
Truth always come before you in its bare form. it is beautiful wonderful and awesome at the same time.
Its beautiful form creates the joy in every being without discrimination,but uncoordinated extension of greed for joy ,in the mind of man ,develops such the intelligence that starts discriminating and starts turning holistic world into fragmented world.
The awesome form creates the fear ,and uncoordinated detention of fear in the mind produced such the intelligence that starts killing everything that appears to be fearful,this process has reached to the point where man & society has deep fear from other man & society. Sometimes the fear in the mind of man reached to a point that he commits the suicide. It is an excessive fear that makes man ready to kill his own species .
The wonderful form of the truth creates curiosity in the mind that activate the intelligence to discover and explore .
Greed and fear are always highlighted by culture that blunts the curiosity and misguide the intelligence to understand the truth in its true form .Misguided intelligence develops the civilization but cannot save them . It produces only structural changes in civilizations not the qualitative changes.
Misguided intelligence always destructs the harmony among the man society and environment.It never allowed, man to see the truth in its bare form and show us only what our greed and fear wants to show us.Remove the dirt of greed and fear, your curiosity will make your eternal intelligence ready, to take you towards the eternal truth and will certainly help the man and society to convert this fragmented world into holistic world.
Comment by Shaleen Kumar Singh on September 12, 2009 at 9:00am
A marvellous inquiry into the world of Truth!
Comment by Frank Joussen on September 14, 2009 at 12:29am
Dear Brijesh,thank you for inviting me to become your friend. I feel very honoured. As to your latest blogpost: it is a posy of philosophical thoughts and I only have the time to comment on 2 aspects: "fear is a bad adviser" is a German adage which you prove right on all counts. The second thought also comes from Germany: the philosopher Immanuel Kant said, "only the whole is the truth." In YOUR country you know how important that thought is, but the rest of the world must relearn it asap.
Comment by brijesh rajput on September 15, 2009 at 5:54am
Dear FrankI am privileged; you accepted my request and shared your valuable opinion.Truth remain the same either Germany or India or rest of the world. You very correctly said “Only the whole is the truth “rest of the world must learn it asap.history proves that world cannot learn it on its own, I feel that, the super minds with eternal intelligence wherever they may be, can scientifically show and prove before leading forces of the entire world that you can build the fragment but cannot save them. In the last you will lose both the fragment and the whole. Future of human kind is safe only in the hand of holistic vision and action. Super minds and leaders of the entire world have to, so that the entire world learns it ASAP.
Comment by Shernaz Wadia on September 15, 2009 at 10:16am
Dear Brijesh,The sad truth about 'Truth' is that only highly developed souls and minds grasp it in its entirety. To the rest of us it comes in fragments and unfortunately each one believes that his piece is the 'whole truth' and even more unfortunately the ONLY truth. Over the centuries, realized minds have tried to lead us toward a holistic union, but in the names of those very teachers we fragment humanity further. How much worse can it get? One can only hope that once a saturation point is reached the way is only towards holistic integration.
Comment by brijesh rajput on September 15, 2009 at 6:31pm
Dear shernazSo many early civilizations went extinct when they reached to their saturation point. But no way came into light towards holistic union. Present civilizations are greatly destructive with very weak defense mechanism. Saturation point for these cultures and civilization might be a point of no return.Logical hope is that now human intelligence is equipped with both the outlook, scientific and philosophical, the union of these outlooks will do wonder for the great future of human kind.It is only a matter of time that-Truth will never remain only for the highly developed souls and minds, any body would be in a position to understand it in a scientific manner, and realize it in philosophical manner and evaluate his or others actions in the light of truth .And then no leading force would be in a position to manipulate the truth and fragment the humanity further.
Comment by jitendra arolia on September 18, 2009 at 10:46pm
sir awesome experience to read them
Comment by Bill Gough
A pleasure to greet the morning here with my readings of your initial post and the thoughtful responses in here.I've been thinking lately of my paternal Grandmother, Alice - and the things she, although not 'schooled', taught me when I was a little boy. They were mainly communicated without words to evoke the context of the question; rather, her life provided the context. If a needy person arrived at her doorstep, she would anticipate the question and before charity was requested, she'd extend an invitation to that person to enter her small home. A meal was always ready, as if the guest had been expected, and the invitation extended far in the past - the guest arriving at the perfect time. My grandfather would arrive home from his work in the Mill & find that his clothes had, once again, been given away. He'd pretend to be astonished, but laugh as he saw the magical disappearance of a favourite shirt, a warm jacket.When I was in sorrow, she knew at once what I was feeling and taught me that her humour was the very best medicine. She respected all religions and all peoples and also all the non-religious of the world. She taught me how to 'read' cards, become acquainted with the way that fate traces lines upon the hand, she showed me how to 'cast off' warts, played music at home and in later years if I was sick in a distant city her phone call would be at the perfect time, just when I needed it. She 'knew' without being told.Largely invisible, she remembered all children's birthdays and was a friend to all. What I find of great interest now, as age begins to burn off some of my dross, is how she remained invisible in the news of the world, the gossip of the 'great' - and yet, I believe, she was luminous, tapping a very old science, in which all was linked, a science where we participated in all we were doing, working out things in our own necessary way as we stumbled towards the essential questions.As I look at our recent gimpses of a planet that does not spin, of a globe of equal fire and ice; of the way that dark matter is not a mere builder nor destroyer, but pulsing through our weary veins, it merely confirms what I saw in everyday actions of everyday people; such people as my grandmothers appeared in no newspapers, were somehow outside civilization's 'time' - had no blogs, spoke of no philosophy - but their lives were cosmic in scope. Some of her children died, others lived, she was never rich but gave much, she could make me laugh till new tears of joy replaced old tears of sorrow. I am still seeking what she knew, but never told in words, and I believe that in the midst of all our current news, we may 'discover' what she, in the hidden bones, knew.I see today's cards being placed upon a table, and I think of her reading of what is being played out right now on all the stages of the world. The cards are somehow new and old at the same time. And time herself has left. No past; no future; not even now. My grandmother, though long dead, still cuts the cards, listens to the questions, welcomes all to her door. All over the world, in every city, in all towns, on the long-distance bus where our legs cramp and we dole to ourselves the food required for a long journey. I hear the voices of all grandmothers, and know that even NASA is riding on each grandmother's sturdy shoulders; that somehow, her braided hair is a sort of DNA - a language of the moment that transcends words & time & books. It's most likely the time, from what I see, to notice all the grandmothers. They need only to be asked our questions.
Comment by Shernaz Wadia
Bill, your interesting comment is almost a blog in itself. My salutations to your grandmother. I can fully empathise with what you have said here because my maternal grandmother was like that - wise, caring, giving. It's been decades since she passed away, but what she taught, mostly silently, is relevant more today than it was perhaps in her days. She had taught each of us to recite our formal prayers, the ritualistic ones and at the end to add just a short prayer of her own - Lord bless the entire world and me with it. I have forgotten most of the ritual prayers, but this simple, beautiful one has stayed with me till today. Three cheers to such grandmothers. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pay a tiny tribute to mine, on this platform.
Comment by Bill Gough
Thanks for sharing :) My salutations to her as well.
Comment by brijesh rajput
I am enchanted that both of you shared with me your syrupy memories of noble grand mothers. Undoubtedly they were the angle of nature. Their emotion, thought and action bloomed in the entirety of eternal context .They reminds me the great and grand Mother Nature that always has something for every being but it is only bounded human being that is continuously sucking it to death without giving any thing relevant for the survival of mother nature that spontaneously nourishes the life in full diversity.I salute your noble grand mothers ,hoping that their noble emotion s, thoughts and action would light the intelligence of mankind to correct their thought processes and go ahead to build the new culture that has the insight to enjoy the fragrance and fruits of progress in the tune of blooming nature.
Its beautiful form creates the joy in every being without discrimination,but uncoordinated extension of greed for joy ,in the mind of man ,develops such the intelligence that starts discriminating and starts turning holistic world into fragmented world.
The awesome form creates the fear ,and uncoordinated detention of fear in the mind produced such the intelligence that starts killing everything that appears to be fearful,this process has reached to the point where man & society has deep fear from other man & society. Sometimes the fear in the mind of man reached to a point that he commits the suicide. It is an excessive fear that makes man ready to kill his own species .
The wonderful form of the truth creates curiosity in the mind that activate the intelligence to discover and explore .
Greed and fear are always highlighted by culture that blunts the curiosity and misguide the intelligence to understand the truth in its true form .Misguided intelligence develops the civilization but cannot save them . It produces only structural changes in civilizations not the qualitative changes.
Misguided intelligence always destructs the harmony among the man society and environment.It never allowed, man to see the truth in its bare form and show us only what our greed and fear wants to show us.Remove the dirt of greed and fear, your curiosity will make your eternal intelligence ready, to take you towards the eternal truth and will certainly help the man and society to convert this fragmented world into holistic world.
Comment by Shaleen Kumar Singh on September 12, 2009 at 9:00am
A marvellous inquiry into the world of Truth!
Comment by Frank Joussen on September 14, 2009 at 12:29am
Dear Brijesh,thank you for inviting me to become your friend. I feel very honoured. As to your latest blogpost: it is a posy of philosophical thoughts and I only have the time to comment on 2 aspects: "fear is a bad adviser" is a German adage which you prove right on all counts. The second thought also comes from Germany: the philosopher Immanuel Kant said, "only the whole is the truth." In YOUR country you know how important that thought is, but the rest of the world must relearn it asap.
Comment by brijesh rajput on September 15, 2009 at 5:54am
Dear FrankI am privileged; you accepted my request and shared your valuable opinion.Truth remain the same either Germany or India or rest of the world. You very correctly said “Only the whole is the truth “rest of the world must learn it asap.history proves that world cannot learn it on its own, I feel that, the super minds with eternal intelligence wherever they may be, can scientifically show and prove before leading forces of the entire world that you can build the fragment but cannot save them. In the last you will lose both the fragment and the whole. Future of human kind is safe only in the hand of holistic vision and action. Super minds and leaders of the entire world have to, so that the entire world learns it ASAP.
Comment by Shernaz Wadia on September 15, 2009 at 10:16am
Dear Brijesh,The sad truth about 'Truth' is that only highly developed souls and minds grasp it in its entirety. To the rest of us it comes in fragments and unfortunately each one believes that his piece is the 'whole truth' and even more unfortunately the ONLY truth. Over the centuries, realized minds have tried to lead us toward a holistic union, but in the names of those very teachers we fragment humanity further. How much worse can it get? One can only hope that once a saturation point is reached the way is only towards holistic integration.
Comment by brijesh rajput on September 15, 2009 at 6:31pm
Dear shernazSo many early civilizations went extinct when they reached to their saturation point. But no way came into light towards holistic union. Present civilizations are greatly destructive with very weak defense mechanism. Saturation point for these cultures and civilization might be a point of no return.Logical hope is that now human intelligence is equipped with both the outlook, scientific and philosophical, the union of these outlooks will do wonder for the great future of human kind.It is only a matter of time that-Truth will never remain only for the highly developed souls and minds, any body would be in a position to understand it in a scientific manner, and realize it in philosophical manner and evaluate his or others actions in the light of truth .And then no leading force would be in a position to manipulate the truth and fragment the humanity further.
Comment by jitendra arolia on September 18, 2009 at 10:46pm
sir awesome experience to read them
Comment by Bill Gough
A pleasure to greet the morning here with my readings of your initial post and the thoughtful responses in here.I've been thinking lately of my paternal Grandmother, Alice - and the things she, although not 'schooled', taught me when I was a little boy. They were mainly communicated without words to evoke the context of the question; rather, her life provided the context. If a needy person arrived at her doorstep, she would anticipate the question and before charity was requested, she'd extend an invitation to that person to enter her small home. A meal was always ready, as if the guest had been expected, and the invitation extended far in the past - the guest arriving at the perfect time. My grandfather would arrive home from his work in the Mill & find that his clothes had, once again, been given away. He'd pretend to be astonished, but laugh as he saw the magical disappearance of a favourite shirt, a warm jacket.When I was in sorrow, she knew at once what I was feeling and taught me that her humour was the very best medicine. She respected all religions and all peoples and also all the non-religious of the world. She taught me how to 'read' cards, become acquainted with the way that fate traces lines upon the hand, she showed me how to 'cast off' warts, played music at home and in later years if I was sick in a distant city her phone call would be at the perfect time, just when I needed it. She 'knew' without being told.Largely invisible, she remembered all children's birthdays and was a friend to all. What I find of great interest now, as age begins to burn off some of my dross, is how she remained invisible in the news of the world, the gossip of the 'great' - and yet, I believe, she was luminous, tapping a very old science, in which all was linked, a science where we participated in all we were doing, working out things in our own necessary way as we stumbled towards the essential questions.As I look at our recent gimpses of a planet that does not spin, of a globe of equal fire and ice; of the way that dark matter is not a mere builder nor destroyer, but pulsing through our weary veins, it merely confirms what I saw in everyday actions of everyday people; such people as my grandmothers appeared in no newspapers, were somehow outside civilization's 'time' - had no blogs, spoke of no philosophy - but their lives were cosmic in scope. Some of her children died, others lived, she was never rich but gave much, she could make me laugh till new tears of joy replaced old tears of sorrow. I am still seeking what she knew, but never told in words, and I believe that in the midst of all our current news, we may 'discover' what she, in the hidden bones, knew.I see today's cards being placed upon a table, and I think of her reading of what is being played out right now on all the stages of the world. The cards are somehow new and old at the same time. And time herself has left. No past; no future; not even now. My grandmother, though long dead, still cuts the cards, listens to the questions, welcomes all to her door. All over the world, in every city, in all towns, on the long-distance bus where our legs cramp and we dole to ourselves the food required for a long journey. I hear the voices of all grandmothers, and know that even NASA is riding on each grandmother's sturdy shoulders; that somehow, her braided hair is a sort of DNA - a language of the moment that transcends words & time & books. It's most likely the time, from what I see, to notice all the grandmothers. They need only to be asked our questions.
Comment by Shernaz Wadia
Bill, your interesting comment is almost a blog in itself. My salutations to your grandmother. I can fully empathise with what you have said here because my maternal grandmother was like that - wise, caring, giving. It's been decades since she passed away, but what she taught, mostly silently, is relevant more today than it was perhaps in her days. She had taught each of us to recite our formal prayers, the ritualistic ones and at the end to add just a short prayer of her own - Lord bless the entire world and me with it. I have forgotten most of the ritual prayers, but this simple, beautiful one has stayed with me till today. Three cheers to such grandmothers. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pay a tiny tribute to mine, on this platform.
Comment by Bill Gough
Thanks for sharing :) My salutations to her as well.
Comment by brijesh rajput
I am enchanted that both of you shared with me your syrupy memories of noble grand mothers. Undoubtedly they were the angle of nature. Their emotion, thought and action bloomed in the entirety of eternal context .They reminds me the great and grand Mother Nature that always has something for every being but it is only bounded human being that is continuously sucking it to death without giving any thing relevant for the survival of mother nature that spontaneously nourishes the life in full diversity.I salute your noble grand mothers ,hoping that their noble emotion s, thoughts and action would light the intelligence of mankind to correct their thought processes and go ahead to build the new culture that has the insight to enjoy the fragrance and fruits of progress in the tune of blooming nature.
pseudointelligence cries in the skin of wisdom
pseudo- intelligence cries in the skin of wisdom
O God takes us from untruth to truth
From hatred to loveFrom mortality to immortality
From darkness to enlightenment
But history ruthlessly repeats and takes man and society,
From one kind of greed to other kind of greed
One kind of superstitions to other kind of superstitions
One kind of preconceptions to other kind of preconceptions,
From one kind prejudices to other kind of prejudices,
One kind of inequality to other kind of inequality,
One kind of exploitations to other kind of exploitations,
One kind of absconding to other kind of absconding,
One kind of sufferings to other kind of sufferings,
One kind of developed fragments to other kind of developed fragments,
One kind of deprivation to various kinds of deprivations,
One kind of insecurities to other kind of insecurities,
One kind of terror to other kind of terror,
One kind of corruption to other kind of corruption,
One kind of ignorance to other kind of ignorance,
One kind of insensitive dominance to other kind of insensitive dominance,
One kind of fake gods to other kind of fake gods,
One kind of war to other kind of war,
One kind of vicious circles to other kind of vicious circles,
O fathomless curiosity stimulate the eternal intelligence to unveil the pseudo intelligence
and unravel its iron grip over the mind of man and society to develop the true intelligence
that would take the whole from shrinking vicious circles to escalating enlightened circles.
O God takes us from untruth to truth
From hatred to loveFrom mortality to immortality
From darkness to enlightenment
But history ruthlessly repeats and takes man and society,
From one kind of greed to other kind of greed
One kind of superstitions to other kind of superstitions
One kind of preconceptions to other kind of preconceptions,
From one kind prejudices to other kind of prejudices,
One kind of inequality to other kind of inequality,
One kind of exploitations to other kind of exploitations,
One kind of absconding to other kind of absconding,
One kind of sufferings to other kind of sufferings,
One kind of developed fragments to other kind of developed fragments,
One kind of deprivation to various kinds of deprivations,
One kind of insecurities to other kind of insecurities,
One kind of terror to other kind of terror,
One kind of corruption to other kind of corruption,
One kind of ignorance to other kind of ignorance,
One kind of insensitive dominance to other kind of insensitive dominance,
One kind of fake gods to other kind of fake gods,
One kind of war to other kind of war,
One kind of vicious circles to other kind of vicious circles,
O fathomless curiosity stimulate the eternal intelligence to unveil the pseudo intelligence
and unravel its iron grip over the mind of man and society to develop the true intelligence
that would take the whole from shrinking vicious circles to escalating enlightened circles.
from fragment to totality
Universe, environment,nature,life,man & society are a process not the events in isolation.When we think in terms of process we connect to the eternal process of evolution that helps us to understand the different happenings in a broad and true manner. But when we focus to events in isolation without knowing it,s scientific connection to the etarnal process we fail understand it,s evolution in true manner .The event based studies always produce the fragmented picture of totality.
Comment by Bill Gough on August 19, 2009 at 10:55pm
Thanks for reminding us :) It's so very easy to get caught in a moment - hearts frozen on an indifferent platter. The context is forgotten in much poetry & without it we have only content - ringing with a very empty sound. Your focus on the flux, on change, is most certainly valued.
Comment by brijesh rajput on August 23, 2009 at 10:13pm
Comments if positive, encourage the person. if negative ,inspire the person to improve, if no comments person feels to become more relevant.I welcome you in the world of infinite intelligence that use the ideas & thoughts as an instruments for the sake of humanity.
Comment by Bill Gough on August 24, 2009 at 8:25am
"I welcome you in the world of infinite intelligence that use the ideas & thoughts as an instruments for the sake of humanity."That's such a clear statement of what we all do together - now, I just need to remember the details :)A powerful and true description. And the balance of what you say about comments is infinitely relaxing for all who wonder about the 'best way' - there are many ways & your sentences contain that knowledge. Thanks for your welcome.
Comment by brijesh rajput on September 15, 2009 at 6:23pm
DEAR BILLTruly it’s very late but I very sincerely express my thanks for your kind reactions.brijesh
Comment by Bill Gough on August 19, 2009 at 10:55pm
Thanks for reminding us :) It's so very easy to get caught in a moment - hearts frozen on an indifferent platter. The context is forgotten in much poetry & without it we have only content - ringing with a very empty sound. Your focus on the flux, on change, is most certainly valued.
Comment by brijesh rajput on August 23, 2009 at 10:13pm
Comments if positive, encourage the person. if negative ,inspire the person to improve, if no comments person feels to become more relevant.I welcome you in the world of infinite intelligence that use the ideas & thoughts as an instruments for the sake of humanity.
Comment by Bill Gough on August 24, 2009 at 8:25am
"I welcome you in the world of infinite intelligence that use the ideas & thoughts as an instruments for the sake of humanity."That's such a clear statement of what we all do together - now, I just need to remember the details :)A powerful and true description. And the balance of what you say about comments is infinitely relaxing for all who wonder about the 'best way' - there are many ways & your sentences contain that knowledge. Thanks for your welcome.
Comment by brijesh rajput on September 15, 2009 at 6:23pm
DEAR BILLTruly it’s very late but I very sincerely express my thanks for your kind reactions.brijesh
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